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Friday, July 24, 2009

wow you know what blogger. You suck. I'm soo changing to wordpress. That is when I'm free. 

Yilin: hah! Not too sure if thats a good thing though. oooooooVooooooo

Kp: Yup! Future neighbour. - -'' I'm soo gonna get a macbook too alright.

Jaiden: Exactly. Also if we do well for Olvls, he'll be the one getting all the credits.

Sandy: lols. Tell me more bout it. Also, GARAGE BAND IS COOL AND AWESOME. Only noobs cant use it. ^^

Really thank those who wished me well for the interview. (No sacarsm. I really appreciate it)
Alright.. "YEA!! I've got a place in CJ. YEA!!"

Right. After so much shit talk bout how much I want to get into JC. I feel like crap now. Because if I were to get into JC I must ensure that I will do well for Alvls. But whats the use of learning subjects instead of taking courses... if you know what I mean. 

Now it all seems that the poly route is so much better. Not that I wanna be a doctor or anything. Even though it was my childhood ambition to be a doctor and cure everyone in 3rd world countries.

Just for the benifit of you who wanna know..

For now, I wanna do smt related to media. Like flimming commercials and stuff.

But thats not the point. Looking back at my resolution of 2009 makes me feel even crappier. Gosh, this sucks.

Poly, JC? Dilemma...... SUCKS

A lil more mundane stuff:
I realized that I've always been late for classes. I was late for 2 math tests, 1 chem srps and 2 geog srp. What is wrong with me. 

Chi LC was not too bad, so was physics spa. So much for worrying. Hah! But for chem.. I'll just laugh it off. How can ANY FRIGGIN TEACHER be so irresponsible. You tell me! 

What else.. Hmm..
Apart from 3/4 Hini cases in sch and almost half the cohort's getting sick. I think thats pretty much bout what happened in sch this week.

oh and..

Mock starts next monday. I'm tired. Oh wells.

Ps. Whose good at song writing. Leave a tag, I've got a job for you! Its gonna be the bestest thing ever. =)

Peace Out Home Dawg!
8:24 PM

Monday, July 20, 2009

Omg is there smt wrong with blogger?
Or is it just my friggin laptop?



Sry I had to use that..

One step near to getting in to college!! Awesome!! But for some reason, or mayb intuition... My mom doesnt seem to like the idea of me going into college.

Mayb because she just want me to help my dad next time, which is not what I'm friggin aiming for.

Nevermind!! A lil more on that next time. Because I'm typing in a small lil preview box and its just really "uncomfortable" to look at.

Anyway.. I'm really scared of the interview because of my serious brain block problem. This is when I just stone at something/someone for no good reason.

Ok just a small post here in a small box. Something like a tweet? Ohkay not really..

Anyways!! People if you love webcam-whoring go get OOVOO because it allows us to have a video conference call up to 6 people. How cool is that?!

I'll reply the tags another time!

Mocks are coming! Study hard ppl!! Because I will. I've got a college to go to!! Yea! "D

Peace Out Home Dawg!
7:16 PM

Friday, July 17, 2009

Yilin: Lols. I dont think so too. Hah. HOT PINK SHOES!

Alicia: - -'' BHB!


I cant rmb the last time I went out with the girls. Gosh, every one's so busy. Lets just take a look..

Olvl Chinese Listening

Cont. Mocks
Olvl English Oral




And not to mention tons of class tests in between. Before we know it Olvls would be here, and it will be over. We would then kiss goodbye with one another. 

Oh, walked home today again(Bishan to Serangoon). With my future neighbour, Alexis and my CL parnter David =) Sooo going to meet up everyday after Os. Ok not everyday.. hah.

I'm really worried bout Chem. Why cause we've got the best teacher in the world man. Skill 3 is next week and he havent even brief us on what is expected let allow giving us practises. Argh!

I'm so tired, so sleepy. Everyone please take a good rest and try not to miss sch at this point time.


Peace Out Home Dawg!
11:25 PM

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Kp: It depends on what topic you're talking about. Proving similar/congruent triangles? Waste of time.

Alicia: Hard hard hard hard hard hard hard.

Yilin: I love this song. *Hints hints*

I'm serious its an amazing song.
Please take 5 mins and listen to it. Especially the lyrics. Its absolutely amazing.

I remember telling mom that I'd make her proud one day.
She would smile and knew exactly all the right things to say.
Man, I miss her & can't wait till I get back to the bay.
Back to the common, simple, beautiful ways.

Peace Out Home Dawg!
11:31 PM

Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Sandy: Really? ^^

Alicia: Yea I hope its me too. Must be the stress and intensity I guess. But yea, sometimes it just so ridiculous lols.

Yilin: LOLS!! Thats cool, can PLAYat night ^^

Is it true? Misery and sorrow increase with knowledge.

I'm still gonna study and do well for Os.

Because I've send in my DSA application form to CJ. I'm gonna jump lower.. 25 points to 15 points! 

A 10 point drop for me is all I'm aiming for. Any lower, it'll be a bonus.

Olvl oral on fri! Please C.Lim Li Jing stop acting cool and keep your mouth shut in front of strangers.


Okay. Off to study! Officially preparing for the mocks. STARTING TODAY!

Peace Out Home Dawg!
3:09 PM

Monday, July 06, 2009

Kp: Winter!

Sandy: So you're saying that Fleming's right toe smells like you? And yea you're brain is a lil trippy..

Yilin: lols! Looks whose the stalker now. hah

Bear Grylls is awesome. Cause he's probably the only guy that can make me scream while watching his shows. This man is wild!! When was the last time you've seen someone biting off a snake's head, and eat it raw while its still struggling? Then hanging the rest over your neck so you can snack on it later?


I really learn a lot from him and he made me have this urge to be stranded on an island. Challenging myself and getting right out of my comfort zone and escape to civilization.
Anyone wanna join me? hah.

Oh boy, I cant do my Amath homework. Did she even went through that topic in class? Dont think she did, cause I THINK I was paying attention in class.
Seriously, I dont see a need to be learning how to prove Geometrical properties. Like seriously man, I think the world needs to slow down and ponder. Why the hack are they putting us through all these when we dont even need to know bout them.

Yeo told us that. Mathematicians spent all their lives proving and forming equations. While Physicians spent their entire lives putting them into use.

Like what the hell is your problem. When you have time go watch that purple friggin dinosaur sing and dance lurh!

But the ridiculous one is, up till today people are debating who are the ones that should be getting all the credit. Mathematicians or Physicians? These people have no life man. Go watch Hannah Montanna.

Alright I'm pissed right now cause I just had another quarrel with my dad. It seems impossible not to quarrel with him these days.

Is it him or is it just me?

Hectic week coming right up! Extra lessons everyday till 5.30! Awesome. Just what I need staying away from the house.

Peace Out Home Dawg!
10:30 PM

Saturday, July 04, 2009

Today was crap like seriously.

Went for BC hoping soo hard for a different teacher. Well so much for hoping hard. 

Frisbee was really... I donno. Was distracted all the way, my head wasnt in the game at all. It sucks, seriously. 

Oh, eariler this morning.

Asked mom if I can go for training.
Mom: You got the boots ar?
Me: No, my friend told me that Adidas having sales at expo.
Sis: You going to continue playing frisbee in POLY meh?
Me: No?
Sis: Then you buy for what?
Me: I'm going to continue playing in JC.

lols! PWNED! She goes on telling me that at this rate I'm going, I'll be no where near college standard, and even if I manage to scrap through I can only get into the Art stream. Which is what I wanted actually, but she said that it's useless I might as well go to poly.

LIKE WHY? I think humanities need a higher level of thinking compared to science, don't you agree? Science are just facts that you need to MEMORISE and understand. Note: I'm emphasizing on memory work. Science and Math teachers will never fail to ask you to memorise formulas and theorems don't they?

Now, tell me the last time you've heard a Humanities teacher asking to you memorise so you can get an A1. You will fail if you start memorizing for humanities. All because they will never ask you to name all the Doges of Venice.

That will be a science question.
What the hell is an isotops?[1m]
Whats the differences between Fleming's right toe and Fleming's left toe?

Thats gross, both the questions and the toes.

Unlike humanities. You think outta the box!
If I were to give you a picture of snow.
A Science student would say that snow forms when when water evaporates and condenses in to snow. When the humidity is 100% and its cold enough the water droplets will fall down as snow.
An Art student would say that ITS WINTER!

Ok thats a stupid example. I'm being tooo stereotypical. hah.

But you get what I mean right?

Oh wells, tuition tmr! Totally looking forward to it. No sacarsm. I need help proofing friggin geometry. WOOTS~ I LOVE AMATH!

Peace Out Home Dawg!
11:43 PM

Friday, July 03, 2009

3rd in Asia!! 1st in Singapore! Woots! Amazing guy!(Now I can go around tell people that he's my friend! JUST kiddin!!)

Alright. Hectic week, considering it to be the first week of sch. Damn it sucks. Just completed 2 tests this week. Ah, whatever. Big deal.

See the difference now? I could blog almost everyday during the hols, now only once a week? Mayb a lil more.
Spent the entire day watching bear Grylls trying to survive under extreme conditions. Its really interesting because he puts everything into his mouth. He eats maggots alive. Yea, he's THAT gross.

Its amazing how I can blog everyday during the hols. Cause after a week I could not think of any topic to blog about. 

Olvls coming. Happy? Sad?
Happy because I'll finally get to leave Kuo Chuan Presbyterian for good. I've been stuck with this name for 10 friggin years. Its time for a change.
I'll be able to complete my 2009 resolution. Spanish class, diving course and get back to piano.

Sad because we've spent 4years together and we're going to go different ways very soon. Sad because I will miss you guys.

Why am I saying all this? There's 4 more figgin months to go. Well, yea before you know it you'll be having grandchildren alr, with wrinkles all over your face, hands and boobs!

BC resuming tmr. Die-ed.

Sry this post is a lil unorganized. I'm just typing whatever that comes to my mind.

Nights people!

Peace Out Home Dawg!
11:16 PM

Friday, June 26, 2009

Oh gosh. Micheal Jackson just passed away. I couldn't believe it. Not really a big fan of him, but he's such a great musical inspiration. I do listen to his songs when I was younger, but I just didn't really appreciate his music then. 

'Michael Jackson,"The King of Pop" died after suffering a cardiac arrest.

Jackson, 50, collapsed at his rented mansion in the LA neighborhood of Holmby Hills and was rushed to hospital by paramedics before being pronounced dead at 2:26 pm (2126 GMT Thursday). 

One of the most influential figures in pop history whose four-decade career included the highest-selling album of all-time, "Thriller," Jackson had been preparing for a concert comeback in London next month he had dubbed "the final curtain." '

-MSN News.

He was a great performer, a great singer, a great dancer whom made "The Moon Walk" famous. I really hate how the media portray him as a freak, and alien that can turn from black to white. A child molester, which I really doubt. Its just ridiculous how hypocritical people(media) are, gossipping bout him when he's still alive and now when he's dead they just act like they haven't done anything at all. Its just so horrible.He's a human, and people are turning him into some kinda product.

It just sucks. You know why? Cause we are so brainwashed by the media, so quick into believing what they say. When MSN News reported that MJ died. I didn't believe it until I went to youtube and saw the spot lights videos of Micheal.
I admit there are times when I go to some website and I made an immediate judgement of people or things. But I do ask myself if the source of information is reliable especially when you're reading the information of TMZ. Who am I to make judgement of people.
Also, I did make fun of MJ at times. I'm suck a jerk. A hypocitical one. 

Yes, I'm a hypocrite. We all are.

The media was cruel to him. Receiving just one bad comment is enough to make my mood bad for the entire day. Can anyone imagine what Micheal is going through? It is 6 x 10^23 times worst than mine and it all started when he was a friggin 10 years old! Just imagine how hard it is. Damn. 

No one does it like you do.  


So I guess Micheal can really rest in peace now. He will be missed forever.

He was and will always be the King of Pop.

RIP 1958-2009

Peace Out Home Dawg!
1:39 PM

Thursday, June 25, 2009

I've been sleeping with my mom for the past couple of days. Nope I'm not a baby, but I do hope to be one though. Anyways, I've been using the ironing board in her room as my desk, which really sucked cause its so narrow. I'm just too lazy to bring my laptop back to my room cause it so darn heavy, Why did I even bought this darn thing in the first place..... Darn.

But the worst thing is, I'm bloggin. I'm friggin bloggin.... AGAIN. I've been bloggin for the past couple of weeks. Almost everyday! Sometimes 2 posts a day. This is what I call --- no life - -''

So I'm pretty excited that school's reopening soon cause I wont be having unproductive days anymore. It also sucks cause every second ticking away is bringing us to the dreadful Olvls. Sign~ We're gonna face the music anyways. Clear it once, clear it well. Yea easier said than done. I know.

Nights suckers!

I'm just kiddin~

Snaps and cheers!!

Peace Out Home Dawg!
12:15 AM


2009 Resolution!
Get into college
Do well in academics(3 As for olvls?)
L1R5 15. Be multi-linguistic
Be consistent in my shooting scores
Hit 380
Diving Course.. Anyone interested?
Get back to piano
Part-time job after Olvls
Tab "Angel","Superhuman","YTS" by ear.
Macbook pro!
Get tanner
Classical guitar
Electric guitar
New acoustic guitar
Play the guitar even better
Learn to play the Saxophone
Get a driving license
Get a diving license
A bigger room
That headphone
Have more dicipline
[bold, underline, strike, italicize]



2 Peace
Chin teck
Huai ying
Jun hao
Kwan ling
Kar pak
Shooting club
Social Studies Buddy
Suan zee
Wei ying
Xia ping
Xue wen


May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009


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