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Tuesday, April 28, 2009

kp, alicia: Why? The criteria is only getting L1R5 20 and below. The interview is like pointless according to my seniors, because almost everyone can pass the interview, and and once I pass the interview my place is confirmed. What matters is how well are you performing for your cca.

I'm not that concern about having an interview because I'll need to have one or ten or ten thousand interviews sooner or later. My major concern is having to get L1R5 and below and shooting for another 2 years. So yea.

Sandy: All my posts are here! lols, and I want to accumulate more posts.

I have a foot long cheesecake right beside me and 6 inches of it is gone. I'm getting fat and lazy. Physics tes on thurs! Hooray! Cause I havent studied a bit at all, cant study tmr ause theres training. Gosh cant believe that common test is just bout a week away. I havent touched the revision worksheet at all until yesterday night and I spent 1 hour doing 5 questions. A big WOW for me. =)

Alright I shall just declare right here that my name's not Susan.
And whats wrong with me wearing No.1 tee?
Million dollar question of the day: "Eh? Why are you wearing No.1 tee?" ok fine nvm.. irrelevant.

Kris is out like TEE-riously..

Peace Out Home Dawg!
6:10 PM

Sunday, April 26, 2009


Sandy: Omgosh thats sick.

Jaiden: lols nope she didn't call any of my parents. Or in fact i think ANY OF OUR PARENTS =) Nonsense. She think sthat we're still in pri sch - -'' screw miss neo!

Stacia: Yea man! I LOVE her!! XOXO wow - -''

Alicia: Yes you're such a geek! Anyways I'm determined to hand up all my overdue assignments next week =)
Oh its spelled as hiatus? lols!! Always thought its hantus and other ppl misspelled it! Hahaha! xD

Yilin: lols yea, theres always a trend among teachers. Like locking us out of the classrooms and calling our parents. Nonsense.

Hello i'm back! Havent blogged for a week. It seems to be a habit to keep you guys updated bout what and how I'm doing. Not like you care but it just became a habit even since having a blog.

So anyways HAPPY BIRTHDAY SANDY!(belated xD) hope you like your presents! We burnt ourselves countless times know!

Before I clicked on the "new post" button a list of things went through my mind. The first thing was to talk about my phone. It blackout a couple of times today and I thought something was broken then. So I wanted to post "omg my phone is broken, think I need a new one!"
So when I restart-ed my phone I was like Hey! Wth! The battery bar's empty! - -''
ok lame.

Alright as what I've replied to Alicia(top) I'm determined to hand up all my assignments next week. Even the long overdue SS essay "D
I'm just left with English now. I'm so proud of myself. =)

So I stayed back after sch on Fri to play Frisbee. I'm still not very good at flicking though. Saw my juniors streaming down, and I kinda missed the range so I decided to give em a visit since they missed me sooo much xD
Saw coached and he told me that the application of DSA to CJC is gonna be opened around early june. Should I apply for it? If I apply I'm gonna have to shoot for another 2 more years but on the bright side, my place in CJ would be confirmed provided that I passed the interview and meet the criteria for it. ARG! Shall stop thinking bout it right at the moment.

Alright and bravo to all the aesthetic groups! Congrats on your achievements. When Miss Chng called out for the all the different aesthetic groups to stand up during celebration day, almost half the sch stood up.

How I wish blogger allows us to lock posts. Becuase there are some things that I need to get it off me. But I'm gonna offend a whole lot of ppl if I post it up on the blog.

Okay shut up.


Peace Out Home Dawg!
4:28 PM

Sunday, April 19, 2009


Omg I friggin walked back home from bishan park after 3 hrs of Frisbee. Hah!
oh and my mom scolded me for that

Ms Neo sucks, she always use the same threatening method. Calling our parents. Argh!

Ok anyways, I really have nth to blog about lately. Going on Hantus =)

Sandy: Eeew Sick! Lols, are you so desperate? Haiz..

Alicia: Yea, love that feelin. Its like having orgasms XD (refer to sandy's tag!)

YEEPEE!!!sorry just felt like doing that "D

Peace Out Home Dawg!

Peace Out Home Dawg!
8:16 PM

Thursday, April 16, 2009

alicia: Yea love you too. Omgosh its sounds damn wrong.

stacia: Ok no more!

Dont you guys just love canceling out things in your organizer? Well I love that feeling, it just feels like a burden have been lifted off my shoulders because when I strike it off it means that i've accomplished/done/completed it. Which also means I have something lesser to do and more time for guitar! 

I've been trying to learn YTS by watching the video and hearing the song again and again. Darn it, why must Gabe Bondoc use such difficult chords for the song? But, the chords are awesome go listen to it. Amazing song! =)

Ok off to sleep nights!

Peace Out Home Dawg!
11:08 PM

Sunday, April 12, 2009

yilin: Yea it sucks, embarrassing!

kp: Church is much better than sch at times, it depends on the speaker/pastor/brother talking..

Alicia: Whoa, you sure? A pig like you.. hmm.. xD JUST KIDDIN. Hah, I only sleep during those parts where I cant study myself. Like those easy parts.

Jaiden: lols! she sang?! Omgee.. Was just wondering why the windows are still intact.

Geraint: You having issues with that?! Nah kiddin. Yea I'm gonna get one now, and I dont see and understand how its too late.

Alright then, since its PFT day tmr and we'll get to go to sch later, I'll blog alil now. Been feeling kinda moody today. Dont ask me why cause I dont even know myself.

It just feels kinda empty inside, lost. Like I've been long forgotten by people. It just strucked me.

Frisbee-eed yesterday, was fun, wet and dirty!! Played in the rain and muddy ground. Having someone staring at you with their giantic eyes is just lol. Ok nvm, only I will get the joke.

Felt super accomplished, had tuition at 10 in the morning and mugged all the way till 5.30 not bad eh. Got fustrated a couple of times when my head just cant seem to think properly. Shit i'm feelin restless. ok bye.

Peace Out Home Dawg!
11:18 PM

Thursday, April 09, 2009

Sorry I just felt like blogging again, since time is passing by so sloooooowly. It was a tiring day, fell asleep during chem, when Mr Kom showed us this video with really suckish video quality. Fell asleep after 30secs of the 8min video! Woke up after it, wasnt really listening to what he was saying, suddenly mel " Oo! He's gonna play it again!" I'm like great, more sleep.

Shit, I need to find away to keep myself awake during lessons. I slept during English yesterday too, and I keep having spasms. Like, ever had this "dream" and suddenly you just fall off the building or smt and you just wake up with a jolt. LOLS! I hate having spasms infront of ppl, its just so embarrassing xD

Ok, I sweat a hell lot of sweat today after SRP, was playing Frisbee. I'm gonna get my own Frisbee man, its so FUN!

Alright then, I'm tired now, Church tmr then out with the girls!

Nights guys!
Peace around the world for generations!

Peace Out Home Dawg!
11:38 PM

First up! Just take 3 mins to take a look at this video. Its amazing, the collaboration's just..Amazing.. She has an amazing voice! Sorry, my vocabulary's very limited. Amazing is all I can use to describe this.

Alright then, aint it just AMAZING?! lols ok stop it.

So this entire week I was locked out of class for 2.5 times. Yea you've got me, 2.5 times.

#1: tuesday.
Mrs Chin had to say her "last words" before she goes back to M'sia for some personal reasons, and because she knows that Mr Marikan's not around she briefed the History students about the practical that we were going to be doing, that ate into.. say 10mins of History class? After Physics, we happily went to the class room thinking that it may be some new relief teacher that doesnt really care much bout things. But to our very most horror, it was the neckless "lao zhar bor"(as my mom may say) that was in the room. Naturally we were all "shitting around"
"Oh shit! My hair!"
"Oh shit! My skirt!"
"Oh shit! My underwear!!!!!"

When we were just outside the room, the councillors were there too. Alsagolf too, didn't let them in cause they were late, and she wanted us to ASK for her permission to go in. But she just totally ignored us! Beach!

Then it was Mrs Chin to the rescue, she came up and explained why we were late.When we were in class she gave us like 20mins to complete 3 essays, which is pure madness.. YOU HEAR ME LAO ZHAR BOR!?? PURE MADNESS.. But no one in class did it anyway, so who cares bout it.

Moving on..

Yup as I said, Mrs Chin had some personal things to do. So we were doin self study during Physics and apparently all the Physics student were too hardworking and overshot the time. Yea, you've guessed it, it ate into Maths class. We were the earlier ones outta all of em so, LUCKY(- -'') for us we get to stand at the back of the class, instead of being locked out of the class. Not too bad eh? - -!! So bout more than half the class were being locked outside since most of us take Physics. She let us in after the 1 period when ppl are changing class and half the class are blocking their way. BTW we had 3 periods straight with her, sick!

As usual Yeo let us off late for recess, which means that we'll take bout 10mins to look for a place to sit since its the LS recess, and another 10mins to Q for the food, in the end we were left bout 5 mins to eat. You cant possibly ask me to waste food or to force a fistful of rice down my throat right? Bingo! You've guessed it we were late for class again. This time it's Ms Foo, she locked us out for bout 3 mins?

Compare her with the other 2 faggots!
Are locking students out a trend for the teacher nowadays? Gosh.

Peace Out Home Dawg!
10:45 PM

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

So here I am. Home alone eating my horrible porriage. Why is it horrible? Cause i added to much water to my rice - -''

I fell down today during PE thanks to Zee, lols just kiddin its not exactly her fault xD

Common test I one month away! arent you excited, cause in a blink of the eye Ovls would be here.. Whooo~! SO EXCITING!

Mayb I should stay back after sch more often, where there are lesser distractions, unlike being at home where I have the laptop on my left and Guitars on my left. In that case I'll be able to study better ^^

Alright I'm bored, bye!

Peace Out Home Dawg!
8:33 PM

Monday, April 06, 2009


alicia: lols I was kiddin - -'' nah its confirm, his hairline's fractured.

jaiden: Can you spell my name properly pls? lols! You havin issues against ppl with small eyes? HUH?! kiddin ^^ peace!

The skies of every monday morning are always blue. Ah, thats how you get monday blues. Ok thats random.

I've been eating chocolate for 4 days straight and I'm kinda sick of it right now lols. Just bought even more chocolates just now, getting piggyfied I guess. Shit I'm feelin super restless now, this post is bound to make you fall asleep because even i'm typing with my eyes half close. Dont give me the crap that my eyes are alr glued together and theres no difference if they are opened or closed alright?

Ok I'm getting sick and tired of maths these days, especially Emaths, its soooooo interesting that we(me and stacia) started doing the "ultimate test for racism" to at least 10 ppl around us in class. The test goes smt like this:

I'll pick out 2 colors of M&M, one random color and one black/brown.
Then i'll get someone to choose one.

Results: 9 out of 10 ppl will not choose the black/brown  M&M. Smart eh? Got it from KevJumba. OH, and I've found someone else that actually watches Youtube videos in 4Peace... ChenCheng~! lols ok.

Alright, weird to say that i'm actually perfering Amaths to Emaths now, it excercises my brain more, agree?

Another random note: I've been having burping problems these days, I just keep burping after every meal. Is this normal? lols! Its like super loud!

Oral was pretty alright I guess. Heard that its for the prelims, not very sure though.

OH OH! I cant remember where I read it from but it goes a lil something like this:
"Earth Hour? Nah~ its a waste of time, even though I practise it every single day, or should I say night?"

I was like LOL when I read it.. lols!

Peace,Love and lol =)

Peace Out Home Dawg!
10:01 PM

Sunday, April 05, 2009


abby: yea! i've got 5 ppl giving me the same hersey.. damn sick of it now.. lols.. but no excuses for not getting me any! xD

alicia: You've.. Seen.. Me.. Shh- Shhoo-Shoooting??! HOW?! YOU STALKER!! lols just kiddin, yea i'm not too bothered by it anymore =) thanks
oh and i still want my choc! =)

lyon: yea ok i'll tell you tmr "D

louis: lols.. but its nice! thank you! "D

greyy: lol?! haha yea.. on a bright note I get to change a cuter photo of me! xD 

Peace Out Home Dawg!
12:04 AM

Saturday, April 04, 2009

Save The Neighbourhood Squrriels!

Contented enough. We'll settle for silver then.. But we could have gotten first.. First if I had not screwed up.. Not that my team blames me for it but I could have been more mentally prepared, if only... I'm fine, its just a waste, not being able to win a team gold at Nationals or even in zones..(we friggin lost to RGS arh!)

Well all I can say was that we underestimated them.. Lesson learned then..

So anyways..
Good job to all C girls, I'm so proud of you girls, especially jo-anne with an amazing score of 356 ranking 5th in the entire Singapore! BRAVO!

Finally, I've been waiting for this day(stepping down) for a really long time. But contrary now, I've finally understood what Abigail said by "feeling a sense of lost". Hmm, lets just see..

From this..

To this..

And eventually this.. (btw this is the perfect-est-est-est score =X ok stop showing off)

I've spent 4 years honing my skills, and yet yesterday I didn't show what I was capable of..

alright stop crying over spilled milk its over!

So after Nationals met up with Stacia. Had pizza and lots of Pepsi! Headed back to sch only to know that they've stopped playing BasketB alr. So we went around looking for a Frisbee. Found it! And started playing, then the guys started pouring in, and then even more guys came, even girls too. So theres like almost 15 of us in the parade sq playing, and ramming into each other.

Unfortunately and accident really happened when Irfan and Jason dived in an opposite direction for the Frisbee only to have their head rammed against each other. Irfan managed to regain his balance, but unlucky for Jason he knocked the back of his head against the hard concrete floor. Almost immediately a big giantic bump was growing as in really its growing(!!) outta his head, just like whats happens in cartoons. Its damn big, and gross too.

Alright hope he's ok, heard that he fractured his head/skull(?) or smt.

Peace Around The World For Generations!

Peace Out Home Dawg!
10:06 PM

Thursday, April 02, 2009

oh btw..

i lost my new ezlink card on the bus today =)

Peace Out Home Dawg!
10:48 PM



alicia: no pork bem! lols.. yea.. i'll do my best tmr =)

joyce: Oo! wow! VIP! lols! ok yea.. i was just pissed at that moment.. not too bad now ^^

alicia,joyce: THANKS GIRLS!

like omgosh! my dru hill album is finally here after swimming across the world for 3 weeks! and their songs are super nice.. though thers cracks on the cover.. but who cares..the songs are super nice! especially angel.. shall post it as my bs very soon..

so.. yea.. tmrs the day i've been training for months and years.. as they say.. 3 minutes results on stage 3 years of hardwork off stage.. i've put in both sweat and blood in to it.. just praying that I WILL DO MY BEST TMR.. doing my best.. not just trying my best to shoot..

like coach said:" i'm not asking you to hit 387 tmr.. but if you can why not?" this struck me.. totally..

ok just a random note.. my mom said that my habit of putting ".." after every pause is a really bad habit and i should stop doing that..

ok,going back, i'll get to miss sch tmr(NOT a good thing), also to wake up later ^^

i really need some catching up with the class..

Peace Out Home Dawg!
8:29 PM


2009 Resolution!
Get into college
Do well in academics(3 As for olvls?)
L1R5 15. Be multi-linguistic
Be consistent in my shooting scores
Hit 380
Diving Course.. Anyone interested?
Get back to piano
Part-time job after Olvls
Tab "Angel","Superhuman","YTS" by ear.
Macbook pro!
Get tanner
Classical guitar
Electric guitar
New acoustic guitar
Play the guitar even better
Learn to play the Saxophone
Get a driving license
Get a diving license
A bigger room
That headphone
Have more dicipline
[bold, underline, strike, italicize]



2 Peace
Chin teck
Huai ying
Jun hao
Kwan ling
Kar pak
Shooting club
Social Studies Buddy
Suan zee
Wei ying
Xia ping
Xue wen


May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009


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