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Friday, January 30, 2009

alright.. its been a week since i've updated.. but before that..

libby- you are alr the weirdest of the weirdest alr.. 
alicia- haha.. i'm was in luck actually.. thx!! and yup i'm relaxed alr.. i'm just pissed by some ass ppl =)
geraint- i bought it on impulse.. i just didn't want to wear it with the sarong.. 
sandy- nope.. nth's wrong with being materialistic =) and i will NEVER be your barbie.. and imagine what sick and perverted things you will want me to wear alr..

new year!!
was totally in luck.. well i must say nyoya's luck.. i wore my kebaya(with jeans) for visiting and won quite a lot of money =)
but at the same time the names were coming in..
"eh miss nyoya.. your turn"
"nyoya cut the deck"
"little nyoya...what you throw out"
"nyoya xiao jie...you wnt to play or not"
LOL.. jogger was the one that came up with most of the stupid names.. jogger why jogger? because she's so darn good in geog.. geog..geoger...jogger!! hahaha nice not? you're not the only one that can come up with the names..

lols.. now i cant think of anymore occasion where i will be wearing the kebaya again..
anyways.. today was fun and exciting.. not mentioning what happened yesterday though..

we went to the mustard seed to have our song recorded.. and it was a one take session!!
shall post the song on my blog soon..
and trainer ryan said that he could teach us media studies during his free time!! awesome and exciting!!

the double door thing was fun!! lols!! 

so anyways.. why the heck is it so hot in singapore.. i would rather walk a big round than to walk across the parade square.. and i've been taking 2 doses of aspirin everyday and i'm still having flu.. and it kinda became part of the culture and tradition that one will fall sick either before or after the LNY sometimes even both..

training on wed was super fun.. lols!! we played blackjack is the most uncommon way.. by shooting.. see who can get 21 points and below within 3 shots.. i always stop at 2o or 19 points.. didnt want to have a 2 or 1 point on my card.. its super fun.. should play in sch next time.. IF i get the chance to train in sch anymore.. because most of the time i will be training in safra..

ok i feel like shitting now.. bye!

ps. can anyone tell me if i really should get an itouch?!

Peace Out Home Dawg!
9:00 PM

Monday, January 26, 2009

oh i forgot to reply tags..

kp: Oo. ohh kayy,,

geraint: i was looking at stella's lols..
yea i know.. but it can get irritating sometimes.. when i have to go all over again convincing them that i'm a pure-blood singaporean..

libby: lols yea.. we are "The Weird Weird One"
hi i'm weird and she's weirder..

mehh: HUAT HUAT?? HUAT ARH!! ya la.. 154cm is average...indeed "D
yup.. praying hard that we can.. if not we have to use sucky sound quality camera..

alicia: lols.. annoying leah!!

Peace Out Home Dawg!
1:16 AM

mood: BAD

before i go on.. i just watched the dvd that godfrey sent me.. guess what.. its "ryan and sean not so excellent adventure"
yay!! but know what? the movie's disappointing.. there's no exactly storyline and if you do not know who the nigahiga team is.. you will just sleep through the entire movie.. just like twilight..

moving on..
why do i always do things on impulse?
guess what i got a kebaya today because it caught my attention and so i bought it =)
its cost like a hundred bucks.. but its nice though "D

and now mom's forcing me to wear it tmr.. for hse visiting.. with the sarong on.. i'm like WHAT THE..
i'm like her barbie doll and she's enjoying herself soo much to dress me up.. getting me to do in and out of the kebaya like umpteen times.. argh!

and can you imagine how difficult it is to wear a sarong and when you go to the toilet.. yea? just... *imagine..*

anyways.. happy lunar new year guys.. its feels really dead this year because.. i donno why.. financial crisis perhaps?
had the annual reunion dinner yesterday.. and.. er.. it was at a tze char restaurant - -'' not the uaual hotel-restaurant that we usually go to for the past 15 years of my live i suppose.. and theres only 3 dishes.. yes you read it.. three..
low hei
a stupid fish

i'm not whining but.. if thats the case i rather eat steamboat.. which is soo much better.. more warmly.. family bonding kinda thing.. but i got to say the Buldda(?) thing was really filling..

ok i just cursed my darn phone cause it farted 3 times in a row..

now the un-related to new year part... read it if you want to.. i'm just writing it down to release all the hot.. boiling-energy-blood-thing building up in me..


i know its a new lunar new year and i shouldn't be in a bad mood.. if not i'll be in a bad mood for the entire year.. BUT!! guess what!?
my current mood have nth to do with my mom..

case 1:
dont you guys just get sick of other ppl telling you what to you..
"oh..no you should do this"
"oh you just should do that"

i get some random ppl email-ing me that i should do the cover of xxx because its famous in order to rise my views and subscriber no.
but you know what.. i dont friggin care how many subscribers i've got even if its just my friends who subscribes to me.. i do songs that i like.. i can relate to.. not to gain popularity or to earn and extra dollar..
because in that case i feel manufactured.. its feels like i like what i'm doing because i'm gaining some wealth or fame out of it.. which is so not true..

its exactly like writing a song.. like i did.. i was tired of going to sch everyday during the hols and sick of being stuck at home.. i turned to express myself with music and the inspiration just come straight away.. i completed the song in like 30mins(+ lyrics)

but hey thats not the point.. yea i know i can just rant like what i'm doing now (with regards to the song) but i didn't because i want to learn expressing myself with music that i create.. get the darn idea now?!

case 2:
on a second thought.. i'm not going to talk about case 2 here.. because that will really affect that person i'm talking about(and it'll be really obvious who she/he will be once that i've mentioned).. but in anycase.. what i'm doing now.. does not friggin concern you.. get it? "AND STOP GOING LIKE ITS ALL FOR YOUR OWN GOOD.."
well.. you know what.. just rip off your freaking big ass nose right out of my darn business..

i am feeling so much better now..

ps. if i collect 500 bucks and above.. i'm gonna get an itouch =)
pps. even if i dont get enough eg(499$) i will still but it..
ppps. or i might just gamble my way up to 500$..
pppps. if in any case that i might start losing money.. i'm calling for the SOS "D
ppppps. just ignore the last pppps. because i'm getting a lil high from all this ranting..

good luck if you're gambling tmr.. wish me luck too!

Peace Out Home Dawg!
12:21 AM

Friday, January 23, 2009

sandy:my cap is cool.. like me.. lols.. i'm not materialistic like you! xD jk
libby:shutup! band name ar?.. er..THE WEIRD WEIRD ONE!! (ah haa~!)
geraint: Oo?!
mehh:you play apart~ and i'm laughing back at you cause you're short xD
sher:- -'' HI.. sha-min =)

went shopping with sis yesterday.. whoa can die arh.. she was walking as slow as a horse la..
managed to buy something though..
and another thing happened.. sis was trying out something in the fitting room so i just stoned outside and waited for her..

shop assistance: hey..er.. are you Japanese?
me:- -'' i'm Singaporean..
sa:huh?! so you're local?
me: yes i am..
sa:oh~ does a lot of ppl ask if you're a Japanese?
me: yes and Korean too..
sa: ya ya! Korean also can.. you look like a mix between the two..
me: thats what everyone say..

Oo! am i suppose to be happy that i dont look a single shit like the typical Singaporean? mayb i should.. and i should just take up the Korean or Japanese language and transform myself into one of them.. and no one will ever suspect that i'm a Singaporean..

or mayb its just a stereotype thing..
what?! just because i have small eyes and fair skin mix me jap? Korean? jap-kor mix?! you know what.. cause thats racist!!.. ok while not really..

but i'm happy i'm a mix though.. like what Kevin said.. ppl cant be racist towards you when you're a mix..

racist ass: why did you take me candy bar?! you stupid ... ... .. . what the hell are you?!
me: hah! i'm a chi,Indian,Malay,American,black,Philippines,Vietnam,french and Thailand tau hu.. pro not?
ra: Oo!! *speechless = OWNED*

see being a mix is a good thing.. ppl cant be racist towards you..

ok so today was the new year celebration.. was fun fun fun fun!
we played musical chairs.. danced around.. sing.. ATTEMPTED to play polar bear..lols.. oh oh.. the funest funest funest part we low hei and yum seng thrice!! even jinshi(? stella's buddy) joined in.. had burgers,wings,nugget,jolly shandy,sparkling juice..
but the low hei was full of crakers.. or as zee will say pok pok choy and by the time we low fin.. there was nth left on the plate! haha..

sooo looking forward to class chalet where we will have movie marathon.. scary.. movie marathon.. ju-on!! excited!!

while the party was awesome but not the performance .. it was boring.. =x but i was screaming away anyway.. the koreans performed! i want nobody nobody but you! (claps)

physic test after the celebration.. lols i think i will do worst than the first test.. at least i got a distinction for the 1st one.. why the hack must i retake and fail!?

then lunched.. at cafe cartel..... again.. all 13 or is it 14 of us(split into 2 tables).. chat nonsense and scolding back at ppl when they stared at us non-stop..
particularly one table.. xD

than it was "GO GO POWER RANGERS!~" mom was here at j8 so i went off first if not i have to go all the way home by bus..

and my DVD's finally here from USA!! awesome!

Peace Out Home Dawg!
11:44 PM

Sunday, January 18, 2009

omg... my dvd is taking forever to swim here from USA..

i seriously.. cant study on sunday afternoon.. tutor came.. learn differentiation until can die.. its easy but it requires lots of manipulation.. similar to Trigo identities but a lil easier than that..
it doesnt require much explanation so i just nodded at every pause he made.. and when he ask me to do questions i just simply refer to the work examples.. ^^ pro not?

i'm in the midst of writing 2 songs which i have completely no inspiration to..
the 1st one is my own original song
the 2nd is the geog project one.. which is not fully composed by me.. we did it.. xueying,mel,stacia,me.. which i've mentioned yesterday..

i'ev not done my chinese homework.. how?
and i've not transfer my history notes to my note book

i've done my ele.maths
and i've done my add.maths

so it kinda.. balanced out alr.. right??
wonder how am i gonna beat s***a at this rate..

alright.. trabaje más duro cryster.. you can do it.. your name will be up on the PowerPoint slide next year.. prometo..

mayb i'm asking for too much.. i should know my own limits.. =]

nights guys.. new year deco tmr!!

Peace Out Home Dawg!
11:19 PM

firstly.. the new bc teacher sucks.. and i will not elaborate further..

so after bc went to yeelin's hse to do the geog project.. and on my way there.. some.. singaporean-dressed-like-korean girls came up to me 3 of them.. they were sad to say weirdly dress in singapore you might say.. the joyce kind of style.. but a lil tiny bit more extreme..

and me i was wearing a cap and carry a guitar on my back and a laptop bag on my arms walking towards the bus stop.. waiting for a bus..

weird girl A,B,C stood beside me.. then started starring and laughing at me.. i thought my hair was all over the place due to some events that happened in bc.. so i quickly adjusted my cap and looked away.. but they're still starring at me.. and talking and whispering to each other.. i had my ear piece on and have no idea what they were talking about..

wg A: aneonhasayo!

me:Oo!! look around to see who they are talking to.. just to realise the entire bus stop full of ppl were look towards OUR direction.. and the 3 weird girls at looking at me..
i quickly adjusted my cap again and looked away..

wg A: can i have your signature? *doing body language and holding up a marker pen at the same time*

me: *looked around again and starred blankly at them..* me?!

wg A,B,C: yes.. ya ya!!

me: *still blanked.. then suddenly one random bus came and..*
my bus is here alr.. bye..

- -''
freaky and creepy..

ok so the random bus i took requires me to walk further.. so i went there with a black face.. a emo one.. they were fooling around have fun.. its still something i will do when i'm in a good mood.. but i just stoned there sulking..

but we still managed to finish 1 verse,pre chorus, chorus.. and took photos..
pictures tmr.. =)

nights guys!

Peace Out Home Dawg!
12:39 AM

Friday, January 16, 2009

just to show geraint.. the pro-ness of the shoe photo ^^
he made me very tempted to post it again

kunming 07' community work

korea 08' school exchange programme =)

i like the first one better though.. everyone's converse sneakers...

Peace Out Home Dawg!
11:39 PM

You Tore The Veil.. You Made The Way..

at the cross i bow knees
where your blood was shed for me
there's no greater love than this..
you tore the veil.. you made the way~

whoa..! a week since i've last updated..
i've not touch the laptop for 2 friggin days in a row.. see how busy i am.. and yes lucky i did not agree to hosting the koreans.. not that its a bad thing but it really eats IN to a LOT of my time.. i wouldn't mind if i'm still in sec 3..

ok so anyways.. physics + geog test.. bowang(is this how you spell/use it? noticed many ppl using this "word")
physics super lots of careless
geog.. i have no idea what they are trying to ask us.. push push!! then one PAIR of humans.. ok nvm.. inside joke.. hor godfrey?

why cant we just learn physical geog the whole way.. or mayb they should make it like.. if we take Pure geog and have a choice whether to take physical geog or human geog..
wouldn't that be awesome?!

i rather know more bout nature then to know what humans are friggin adjusting the world to suit their every needs.. what is wrong with us?! why can we just wear leaves, drink from the river.. eat with the chimpanzee.. run with the horse.. swim with the dolphins.. etc? MUST WE KILL EVERY ONE OF THEM?! DARN IT!
ok sorry i went alil off at the end..

ok so today.. thanks louis for the treat at cafe cartel "D
vickie spotted me because of my habit of hold the spoon(?) super sharps eyes Oo i'm inside the restaurant and she spotted me from outside because of the way i hold the spoon.. lols
stacia was with her.. they had to deco the HOD room because of the CNY celeb so.. decided to help them and see vickie's 2 new guitar..

spent the whole day sitting there folding ang pao zhua fishes and weird spiral thing.. then cabbed to her hse.. half way done with our song for the geog project vickie wrote it ^^.. we're doing a music video.. with an original song.. gonna finish it tmr.. *wemustnotbedistracted*

oh and what's with my heading?
went to church some time ago and heard this amazing song that brought me to tears when it came to the bridge.. never had the chance to ask for the name of the song until i heard it again yesterday on youtube..... by chance
a cover by -- the most awesome cathy nyugen
its called "at the cross" by hillsong (united?)
lets just say the song's awesome alright? go hear it.. its amazing..

Peace Out Home Dawg!
10:52 PM

Saturday, January 10, 2009

whats up dawg!!

woke up early in the morning
dressed up
and went all all the way to jurong--City Harvest Church to attend a wedding ceremony
it was awesome.. they had a great pastor who hosted the ceremony

"joke of the day"
*a new couple was at home and the wife was glazing at her face in the mirror.. then to the contours of her body*

wife: honey did you married me because of my looks or my body?

the husband who was readin the newspaper put it down and took off his specs he then look at he's wife's face then to the contours of her body.. then to the wife's face.. then to the contours of her body again.. wife's face then to the contours of her body again..

wife: oh come on honey tell me quick!!

the husband look at his wife's face then to the contours of her body for the last time and finally said

husband: i married you...... because of your sense of humor..


ok anyways rushed to bc after that... and the teacher was sad to say boring..

pls pls inspiration come to me.. pls pls

Peace Out Home Dawg!
11:08 PM

Friday, January 09, 2009

today's a big day..

cause its the CCAs recruitment day.. and as usual everything shooting club does was last minute work.. no booth.. suckish publicity, no showing of our skills.. but HOLD AND BEHOLD we had tons of ppl joining shooting mayb because as alicia said its unisex.. therefore we have more ppl.. and also because shooting's a new thing to most of them and they just want to try out smt new and eventually 8 out of 10 ppl will leave the club after a year or so..
this cycled has repeated over the years and i doubt it would change..

but anyways i enjoyed coaching them.. reminded me of how my senior used to teach me.. i first started shooting in Pri.6 ^^ thats like 12 friggin years old only..
and i rmb that it was valerie who taught me
then in sec 1 i think it was jin han.. if thats he's name..

and so decided to stay behind and celebrate the last day of orientation with a camp fire along with the girls..
screamed and cheered and bombed and singed and other campfire-related things
all the way till 9pm and...
my mom was here and off i go.. back home..

ah awesome day..

attending leon's bro's wedding ceremony in church tmr.. at 10.30pm - -'' gosh!
God bless the new couple! =)

Peace Out Home Dawg!
11:47 PM

Wednesday, January 07, 2009


chatting on msn is obsessive..
especially when the other party's in a different time zone xD

Peace Out Home Dawg!
10:36 PM

ah.. i love weds.. because its probably the only day i dont have to stay back till late afternoon or evening and come home exhausted and having dinner with my eyes closed.. that's what happen yesterday..

and my thigh is aching from the 2 sets of run(pe+training) yesterday.. awful.. and shot like mad.. 200 shots? i wont mind if i'm in safra air-conditioned awesome =) 

oh.. and my dog had diarrhea again.. and its not my fault this time..

what else?
oh.. miss yeo's our new maths teacher now.. both A and E maths.. so dont ask me again.. and er.. i'm sitting next to stacia!! surprisingly she became guai ^^

i really have nth much to blog about cause everyday is such a typical school day.. mayb i'll blog more on fri when the sec 1 recruitment starts =)


Peace Out Home Dawg!
8:03 PM

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

gosh.. i'm exhausted, can hardly type properly now..
so i just got home, and strolled SLOWLY all the way back.. forgot to bring my key and attempt to ring the doorbell but it broke down.. and i had to slam hard onto the button - -''

so yea.. its barely a week and i'm so tired alr.. this is sick..

i will try to do the english assignment later.. why? because i'm a good girl =)

fri's the recruitment day.. and i will be in-charge of coaching them =] should be fun i guess? remembered the first time i held a rifle.. and my instructor was valerie then eunice =)

the little noyna(?)'s ending sucks.. but the show's alright.. li-bei-er ^^

so anyways.. i will try to do a proper post sometime later.. this is just an update for what i'm doing.. not like you care though..

so yea.. shower time! "D

Peace Out Home Dawg!
7:36 PM

Thursday, January 01, 2009

i used red cause its lucky =)

alright so yesterday marks the end of 2008 closing an awesome and fruitful chapter of my life..

(this is all i can think of now)
my first yr in the upper secondary lvl
learning how to solve the rubix cube
the sec 3 camp in malaysia..CHINOOK! (is it spelled correctly??)
making my first presentation infront of the entire lower sec
having our ever first public performance in sch
going for the korean exchange program
dancing in front of the entire sch.. TELL ME thats cool!
getting a merit award for the punggol project
gong to mediacorp for the first time in my live!
playing mahjong for the first time!
getting my first gold individual medal
celebrating halloween for the first time
posting my first video
writing my first song
learned a new instrument.. ukulele
and lastly..
committed myself to shooting and thus challenging myself to do my very best all the time..

and gosh its Olvls this year.. i feel lil scared.. not sure if its the start-of-a-new-year syndrome or mayb some other weird things i'm worried bout..

but hey! bring happy memories forward to 2009 and leave the sad ones back in 2008 and let it past =)

i'm having mix feelings now..
i was so worried like a sec ago
and now i'm excited yes right now..

my room's in a mess..

all the best for 2009
have an awesome new year ahead..

this is Cryster Lim LJ reporting live right in front of the laptop~

- -''
ok just ignore the last part..

ps. since its a new year i shall have a new catch phrase ^^
because thats what i am xD

Peace Out Home Dawg!
12:28 AM


2009 Resolution!
Get into college
Do well in academics(3 As for olvls?)
L1R5 15. Be multi-linguistic
Be consistent in my shooting scores
Hit 380
Diving Course.. Anyone interested?
Get back to piano
Part-time job after Olvls
Tab "Angel","Superhuman","YTS" by ear.
Macbook pro!
Get tanner
Classical guitar
Electric guitar
New acoustic guitar
Play the guitar even better
Learn to play the Saxophone
Get a driving license
Get a diving license
A bigger room
That headphone
Have more dicipline
[bold, underline, strike, italicize]



2 Peace
Chin teck
Huai ying
Jun hao
Kwan ling
Kar pak
Shooting club
Social Studies Buddy
Suan zee
Wei ying
Xia ping
Xue wen


May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009


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