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Tuesday, September 30, 2008

to alicia!!

yes.. you are a nuisance.. not only that.. its real cause you wont be alicia if you're not ><''
IF you wished you weren't here at all.. i dont see any reason why i should be here too.. without you.. without friends.. it sucks..
AND IF you ever walk away without a word.. dont you ever forget you have us, us that will go through thick and thin,high and low,deep or swallow,skiny or fat,black or white, us, that will notice you
i'm sad.. cause you said that theres nobody that you could trust.. we should play that game tmr.. and continue playing until you've gain your trust in me.. hah! but still i rock =)
i'm sry if this doesnt help.. cause i'm seriously not good with words.. "D

i'm writing all this cause.. alicia's been writing emo post.. and i thought i should console her.. since its eoy period.. and everyone's feeling down.. lethargic.. sad.. stressed up.. watever..

not that i dont feel this way.. i do.. mayb even more than you.. but still live have to keep on going..

good luck..all the best.. jy for the rest of the papers.. just a couple more!!

Peace Out Home Dawg!
6:29 PM

Sunday, September 28, 2008

JUST a couple more hours to the start of the "eoy week"
all the best everyone..

revised on physics today.. not too bad i guess.. but i still dont want to take my freaking exams in the hall!! its like a totally different environment..
hai.. but its not like i can change the fact anyway...

my target? er.. all passes and at least 2As? or mayb 3As.. HOPE and PRAY HARD that i'll hit my target.. bamn! just like shooting..

so all the best guys.. just 2 more weeks.. good luck! =)

Peace Out Home Dawg!
7:26 PM

Friday, September 26, 2008

i have.. IMPROVED my maths!! couldn't believe what i've got when we got over papers back.. though i still failed amaths.. but hey.. i've improved alot.. i got a double digit and is only 0.5marks frm passing..

mrs lee is.. weird? she suddenly lost her temper and started barking.. again~

redid pass class tests paper today.. i have dont know why i have no idea how to do it last time.. now i find it pretty easy.. it comes with practise? i dont know..

accidentally fell asleep just now.. was suppose to continue doing the maths papers after resting for while.. i cant help it.. but it was great though.. =)

exams next week.. seriously.. it doesnt even feel like eoy.. at all.. i feel like its just another common test.. or mayb even class test just that we're going to do it in the hall.. WITHOUT the air conditioners on.. WITH the whole sec 3 sitting there with you.. wow - -''

Peace Out Home Dawg!
10:53 PM

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

yesterday.. was rather.. unproductive.. spend the whole day laughing at retarded things..

today.. as least i completed physics.. and revised through circle eqn.. i think i understand.. abit.. cause i listened in reggies class ^^ so proud of myself..
then.. dinner-ed with godfrey at some restaurant.. the grilled lamb is nice! no pictures though.. was busy making comments bout everything.. xD

go watch this vid.. sad.. meaningful.. nice.. watever.. just watch it.. =)

save the earth =)

Peace Out Home Dawg!
9:50 PM

Monday, September 22, 2008

crappy headache..

went to mediacorp today to watch the superband show live.. lols.. the studio aint as big as it seems on tv.. lols.. kinda small actually.. and all the whistling and stuffs.. just contributed to my headache..

BUT on the other hand.. i saw tuzi! the bassist is really like a rabbit.. lols.. super cute.. and and.. there the css guy.. shawn tok.. hah! he's like taller than joyce xD

i shall go rest now.. =)

omnimax tmr... boring~

Peace Out Home Dawg!
10:40 PM

Sunday, September 21, 2008

i am happy today.. lols.. no idea why.. good mood =)

tuition-ed today.. i think a.maths trigo is okay.. ASTC.. cot..cosec.. sec.. blah blah blah.. just tedious formulas that i need to imprint onto my pathetic brain..
then bc-ed.. and that book.. o.m.g so complicated.. woman A try to save woman B frm drowning.. but a spanish woman said that woman A was actually trying to drown woman B.. but woman A is actually woman B.. and no one knows that woman B is woman A that had been drown by woman B by woman A..

damn confusing.. stupid.. and i'm suppose to write a report.. bout this.. - -''
i want to get one of the epiphone archtop collection..(sandy gave me the idea to start looking for a new guitar..)

this shall be my motivation to study:

aint it beautiful?

Peace Out Home Dawg!
12:44 AM

Friday, September 19, 2008

since i'm bored.. i shall update bout the match yesterday.. with more details..

but.. before that..
would like to thank everyone that care soo much bout my spoilt knee.. but seriously i have no idea how to take care of it.. i mean.. i like sports.. and when i reach.. i donno 30? i dont think i'll be THAT active anymore.. so i really want to play as much as i can afford now.. while i'm still active..

was supposed to get our prize today.. BUT.. right after mrs chua said a prayer.. rain started pouring down.. hah.. postponed again..

chem.. waa okay.. and i dont think i need to talk bout a.maths..

so its now frisbee.. =)
after lessons.. we hanged at the locker area.. making a fool out of ourselves infront of the CCTV camera thing.. and giant-ing around.. xD
stacia made me promise her that.. IF we get a gold for interclass.. i'll show her my abs.. which i have no idea why she wants to see it..

so when the clock strikes 3.. we strolled down to the concourse and assemble there..
girls team:
-me yes i rock "D

so after drawing lots.. our first opponent was 3grace.. i must say they were not bad.. but they lack practise? because they nv play before..

next was against 3hope.. we slacked.. alot.. lols.. but we kept our lead.. winning them with 1 point ahead

and we had or long break.. we were in the semi-finals alr..(i think)

we dont exactly have a formation.. or strategy.. but i stayed at the end zone most of the time.. and try to intercept the frisbee.. i did VERY LIL throwing? why? cause i cant throw for nuts..

after the super long break.. it was peace against faith.. we were on our guard.. or at least i am.. they're one of the stronger teams(for the girls).. i was sub out half way.. my knee was starting to hurt.. and i wanted to save my energy for the finals.. i'm confident we'll make it through.. they had a really tall paramesh that kept blocking me.. but we have a super long xueying that can jump really high =) so no fear.. the last inter-class they won us in soccer.. but yesterday.. it was the opposite.. we owned them in frisbee "D

so 3 peace qualified for the finals.. against truth.. yes truth.. completing for gold.. they had really strong players.. joyce.. cassandra.. i focused on marking the cute lil joyce~! its was a 10min game.. we've been playing since 4(?).. everyone was exhausted.. not forgetting that we still have 2 tests the next day.. so we won the game with 9 points.. was aiming for 10 actually.. but it was good enough..

ended the competitions with 3 cheers for everyone.. a big and happy ending =)
3 peace 08' rocks!

oh.. and i was told by joyce that its distractors and not disctration..

Peace Out Home Dawg!
11:35 PM

Thursday, September 18, 2008

i cant even focus on a.maths.. its annoying when you have the motivation to study but is too tired to do so.. why?
cause its frisbee inter-class today.. and 3peace owned everyone~! woots! yay we rock =)
and.. the bad thing is.. my knee hurts lurh.. irritating.. i want to get my knee repaired! its spoilt now.. and i'm sad.. doc said that i can get crippled IF i strain my knee too hard..how? i'm scared.. lols

then theres this.. girl that asked me and stacia to join the frisbee team "DISCTRACTIONS(?)" and we kinda.. agreed to it..

e.maths test was okay.. i'm just afraid that careless mistakes will pull me down..
SS totally sucked.. theres this idiot playing the piano while we're having the test.. such a disctraction, but still i wrote everything wrongly.. i think.. dont really care bout combine humanities now.. cause i got a back-up pure humans =)

i love my combination.. everything is so inter-linked.. but i dont like ss.. cause i didnt choose it in the first place..

physics.. was better than i expected.. i think mr chong is going to set it super difficult again..

chem and a.maths test tmr.. i dont expect myself to pass amaths.. but at least.. try not to fail too badly..

Peace Out Home Dawg!
10:25 PM

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

some overdue pictures..

look alike

the carrot cake-cake "D

the belated birthday girl

dig in!

sandy looks bald xD

chinese oral.. was.. lols.. qite okay i guess.. couple of words that i donno how to read.. and ms nah laughed when i sub them with other words.. convo.. LOL.. i said i nv been to the library before.. haha.. was afraid that she would ask me wat kind of books do i read and stuff.. instead.. we talked about BLADING!! woots.. she rocks man.. hah.. thank god i saw her at east coast the other day.. so she asked how can i related sports to the library blah blah blah..

suddenly theres listening compre tmr.. weird.. no one informed us anything.. whoa.. lucky mr kom is back.. i kinda prefer him to mrs gan.. no idea why.. mayb he's like more boring and stuff..

he said smt bout girls running 1.2km and guys 1.6km every morning.. and staying back in sch until 9pm.. where 7-9pm is night studying supervised by teachers..
i dont mind actually.. if theres a hostel in the sch.. i think i'd rather stay in the hostel.. =)

wat else?

oh.. theres smt wrong with my key board.. the left shift button,left ctrl button,'U' button,"J" button.. sometimes it works sometimes it doesnt.. time for a new laptop? nah.. i like my laptop.. =) cause i can draw/write with it.. though i dont really do that often.. but i still like it..

Peace Out Home Dawg!
7:10 PM

Sunday, September 14, 2008


so i guess.. there will be tnkkb no more..
cause its been changed to extant.. which means the opposite of extinct according to geraint..

this few days have been rather productive though.. studied my weekends off.. including fri.. thx to godfrey "D

celebrated sis's birthday.. cause dad's going overseas on fri.. we randomly to the "crystal jade" in paragon.. which was freezing and i wasnt really covered up.. so we sat down.. yea everything was alright.. until my grandma came strolling in..
" ai yo why here so cold ar?"
looks around.. unfortunately she saw me

"whoa.. you wear until like that not cold ar?
then she started rubbing her hands all over me.. okay.. not really.. just my shoulder.. i know you might say.. your grandma just 'sayang-ing' you ma.. fine.. you can say that.. but.. i wasnt feeling exactly comfortable with a wrinkled hand all over my shoulder WHILE eating..

ok enough bout that..

prize giving was postpone on fri.. on my lonely journey to j8.. suddenly sufang popped out frm behind and covered my eyes with her hands.. lols.. really unexpected hah..
then went to godfrey's hse to mug.. - -'' somehow i fell asleep.. and SOMEHOW.. he msn-ed with kp.. lols.. retarded..
manage to rush home next morning for tuition.. then bc-ed.. we were told to bring 15$ for a book.. told mom that its 20$ hah.. xD

then woke up with a headache this morning.. mugged till 7pm..

an accident just happened opposite my room.. was mugging.. suddenly.."boom!" looked out the window.. saw a black helmet rolling across the road towards my hse.. looked across.. an indian worker.. was lying on the curb.. face down.. with his bike on him.. a few moments later.. ppl start streaming out of their hse.. calling the ambulance etc.. holding an umbrella over him(it was drizzling)

he was unconscious.. at that time.. bout 20mins later ambulance came.. and by the time he re gain his conscious and was carried onto the stretcher.. police came.. and investigated bout 40mins.. whether is a hit and run or just an accident..

Peace Out Home Dawg!
9:47 PM

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

theres one thing i MUST clarify : i DID NOT eat all 8 boxes of mooncakes.. - -''

yesterday.. went j8 to kp's present.. LOL.. a retarded rubber chicken xD
then we decided to go to the baby shop.. to let alicia have an idea of it.. took pictures!

omg.. i look so cute right.. xD

oh! and we saw mei qi.. you know.. ms lao junior.. ms tan.. that science teacher that always get bullied by us.. couldn't recognise her at first.. LOL
suddenly theres this lady looking at our direction then staring at us! hah..
she's bought mooncake too! hah~!

mom signed my report book alr.. didn't say much.. good? bad? i donno.. oh well..

Peace Out Home Dawg!
8:38 PM

Monday, September 08, 2008

i really have no idea why ppl keep emphasizing on this..
"aye.. 3 weeks more to eoy leh"
"eoy in 3 weeks times leah!!"
"eoy coming still dont want to study ar"
"eoy coming still everyday play com/watch tv"


i've started revising alr.. only to find out that... i forgot all the matrix shit alr.. how? die la..
tuition-ed just now.. he tested me on.. binomial.. whoa.. almost forget.. nCrX(n-r)(Y)r.. i spent quite some time juggling with the alphabets.. but i got it right anyway.. cause i rock =)

maths(both e and a) is the subject that worries me the most lurh.. followed by physics.. i'm not going to focus much on combine humans alr.. since SS is always pulling me down.. but i'm still going to study for it.. "D

i shall stop talking bout eoy alr.. cause i'm sure that 3 freakin letters is as annoying as i think it is to me and to you Oo?

after sch.. walked to j8.. to meet mom.. whose on her way to buying mooncakes.. the way she buy mooncakes.. is.. like she nv see mooncakes before in her life.. bought 8 big boxes.. - -'' LOL but its not for us lurh.. its like.. giving ppl and stuff like that..

Peace Out Home Dawg!
6:55 PM

Sunday, September 07, 2008

*click to enlarge*


stacia's artistic - art piece..

Peace Out Home Dawg!
10:40 PM


sch re-opening tmr.. sad? happy? lols.. both i think.. hah...
i was SUPPOSE to study during the hols.. but.. i didn't.. ok mayb i did but only a lil..

LOL.. the pic alicia's begging me for xD

see wat i mean? interesting event.. look behind us.. everyone is soooo young =)


its empty.. again..


dad suddenly came back.. with his luggage.. lols.. i'm like.. " eh? you got go over seas meh?!"

- -''

Peace Out Home Dawg!
7:51 PM

Saturday, September 06, 2008

back frm punggol!
to those that didnt go.. you've just missed the most excited guitar performance by some retarded pri sch kids..

and theres this really.. reallyy.. high pitched woman singing old chinese song.. "hao yun lai hao yun lai~!" its really high.. and the lightings make her look creepy.. its like those super fast white flashes..

me and CC got really hungry.. asking for popcorns.. hah! then its our turn to get the prize.. went up on stage then went down again.. mrs lim can't figure out how to use my camera.. LOL.. so no pics of us on stage..

theres this really really really long queue for the meesiam.. its just a small bowl.. and lots of ppl are queuing for it.. why? FOC.. - -''

and theres the buffet for prize winners.. had 2 huge servings before i was full.. then mrt-ed home..

pictures next time =)

i had 3 buffetS this week.. my hardwork gone again.. shall start training soon..

Peace Out Home Dawg!
11:08 PM


theres a freakin lizard in my room..

first of all.. i'm so touched by you guys.. lols.. yea.. i'm sick.. thx for giving MORAL support..yea?
secondly.. i'm sorry i can't join the wonder bg outing today.. cause i'm sick plus my mom wants me to stay at home to study..
thirdly.. act there not thirdly.. ^^

i think my moms weird.. she wanted me to stay at home to study... but she pulled me out with her all the way to orchard to buy mooncakes.. which is weird.. cause we landing up in far east shopping.. to think she wants me to study at home.. after that picked sis up..

went to some con-money-restaurant for dinner.. the last time i went there was last yr? or it is this yr? i just rmb its during cny.. its a totally waste of money.. its that restaurant that uses the super long tea pot to pour tea for you.. retarded.. its actually expensive because of that.. and the food sucks i'm telling you.. its just normal food.. in a more classy way? the garnishing and stuff like that..

yesterday.. tuition was cancelled.. lols.. too bad can't show off my pro-ness(*winks at yeelin) xD

did i mention that we won some retarded prize for the punggol waterways thingy? we wrote a song(most credits to stacia+xue ying) got selected by the punggol person.. and we won a consolation prize of 50$ and we're going to get it tmr.. cool yea? didn't really expected it.. lols.. i think i posted the lyrics before.. try looking into my archives.. IF you're interested..

and and! my dog.. tommy the german shepard.. injured his right paw(or is it his shoulder?).. i think i've mention it before too.. the vet said that it rheumatism.. but i dont think so.. he's having difficulties standing up frm his lying/sitting position.. and will "squeak" in pain every time.. it hurts to see him like that.. so poor thing.. but.. who call him every time jump around like some fool like that.. constantly banging into things and knocking them over.. retard..

i've clear all the virus =) yay

Peace Out Home Dawg!
12:06 AM

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

whoa i think i'm sick lurh..
i'm having a headache since maths class..

i'm just gonna write what i'm thinking.. no time line..
after 15 yrs i finally know how to play majong.. hah! and i won my 1st 2 matches.. =) pro leh..
i ate sakae buffet 2 times is a row..
i'm feeling cold in a room w/o fan or air-con
i think i'm sick
this is the second time i'm saying it alr..

i tend to forget to talk when i'm listening to conversations..
i know this sounds retarded..
but thats wat i always do..

Peace Out Home Dawg!
11:23 PM

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

so sry i forgot bout it =(

after 1000 yrs.. i finally bought my gladiator sandals.. and a pair of berms(?)
i'm totally exhausted lurh..

actually didn't want to update until tmr.. but since someone asked me to.. i shall not mention geraint's name.. since everyone misses my posts =) i shall update xD

i have interesting photos.. =) taken in the mrt today.. hah! alicia's begging me for it.. not..


Peace Out Home Dawg!
11:09 PM


2009 Resolution!
Get into college
Do well in academics(3 As for olvls?)
L1R5 15. Be multi-linguistic
Be consistent in my shooting scores
Hit 380
Diving Course.. Anyone interested?
Get back to piano
Part-time job after Olvls
Tab "Angel","Superhuman","YTS" by ear.
Macbook pro!
Get tanner
Classical guitar
Electric guitar
New acoustic guitar
Play the guitar even better
Learn to play the Saxophone
Get a driving license
Get a diving license
A bigger room
That headphone
Have more dicipline
[bold, underline, strike, italicize]



2 Peace
Chin teck
Huai ying
Jun hao
Kwan ling
Kar pak
Shooting club
Social Studies Buddy
Suan zee
Wei ying
Xia ping
Xue wen


May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009


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