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Wednesday, July 30, 2008

today's the day.. that ell jay officially start her hardcore intensive mugging..
why? cause she got a freaking amaths test tmr..

chemistry experiment is fun fun fun~!
this is why i love chem =) despite that fact that i'm going to fail my tests i totally forgot all the formulae.. but thats not the point.. we did the ammonia thing again.. i couldn't smell it this time cause i was having a block nose.. beside me yeelin beside me mel.. "whoa damn smelly leah" me in the middle.. *SNIFFS hard got smell meh?!!

then we did an experiment in a rush cause we wanted to go for recess.. it was the chlorine one.. the solution turned yellowish-green wan yee sniff it softly then the "whoa damn smelly leah" came out frm her..

thinking that i'm having a block nose and i can't smell it.. i place the test tube right under my nose.. fan-ed the gas towards myself.. and *SNIFFED HARD!

O.M.G i feel i die a lil on the inside..

the smell was 'stuck' in my nose for the nest 1hr..

sandy taught me the drum beat for the reasons.. lols.. teach until she herself got confused(lousy =x)

i studied for the whole day.. 1 hr after i got home.. which is like 5pm? straight until 10pm.. skipping dinner.. didn't feel like eating.. i literally don't feel like eating the whole day.. breakfast:forcefully stuff the bread and cereal into my mouth and tried HARD to swallow it.. i didn't wan to skip it because i dont wanna faint again..
recess: thx to chorine =)
lunch:forced to eat by mom
dinner:didn't feel like eating..

i don even think i've studied enough for maths..

Peace Out Home Dawg!
10:36 PM

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

the start of common test is like just 3days away? and i have yet to really start studying.. i just revised bit by bit each day.. which think is not much of a use..

i suck BIG TIME

chinese is bad.. cause i haven't been listening to mr chen frm the 1st lesson.. nope.. not frm the beginning of this term but FORM THE BEGINNING OF THE YR!

i rock BIG TIME =)

today.. was the only maths lesson where everyone's concentrating soooooo hard.. thx to binomail theorm.. =) even that shrimp louis ow is trying to slove the eqn

we were concentrating so hard that we lied to r.lim that the nxt period was free period.. but it was chem actually.. 10mins later.. mr kom hunted us down.. and when we reach physics class suppose to stay back for 15 mins.. but some lower sec class need to use the classroom.. ><
so we escaped..

i think pan's motor bike is really cute.. pink with a toy crab on it haha..


Peace Out Home Dawg!
7:07 PM

Wednesday, July 23, 2008
intensive studying!!

quick post before i mug..

pass few days are boring.. skipped training yesterday cause everyone didn't go and surprisingly skye went there..

went ljs to eat pig leg.. but sad no more.. so i ate the new 2+1=3 promotion!

today.. whoa.. finally we did experiments.. no those that u see the pendulum bob swinging frm side to side and start getting urself hypnotised.. its chemistry experiment.. fun fun fun..

pan pan.. did a demo for us.. the ammonia one.. and she took forever to heat the solution up.. when the solution start bubbling(can't rmb teh chim word for it) the placed the litmus paper over at the mouth of the test tube.. it turned blue.. she let joey and yeelin smell gas produced.. when yeelin smell.. she like.. no reaction like that.. then when joey smell.. whoa.. totally opposite..

then we were off to do our own experiment.. oh and we got our own test tubes! sadly theres only 6 but thats enough alr.. i did the H2 one first.. after adding the right chemicals and having the right proportions the solution started bubbling cause thers reaction.. quickly light up the splint and "POP!" whoa.. very loud.. i also screamed lurh.. then wanyee keep laughing at me - -''

next O2 the disgusting black thing.. i couldn't get it the first time.. the splint extinguished instead of burning more brightly.. but hey.. i'm not the only one.. then pan showed us the demo for all the experiment.. i went back to do the O2 experiment again! i succeeded!! woot! next was CO2.. most of u'll should have don it before alr.. so i shall not elaborate.. since its not that interesting anyway..

lastly.. we were short of time so we quickly do the last one.. ammonia! heated the solution placed the litmus paper and it turned blue..
*breaths in and out*
had to be mentally prepared to smell it.. fanned the gas into my nose.. whoa! got a shock~! i literally jumped up lurh.. and again wanyee was laughing at me..- -''

common test is like so freaking near.. shall start studying alr.. =)

Peace Out Home Dawg!
3:38 PM

Sunday, July 20, 2008

fri's games day.. its like.. *ahem?

i think junhui planned it a way that everyone will be playing the game they chose from 2-5:30
which is like 3hrs long..
geraint,renee,joey,bryan are in my grp.. we chose to play volley ball(renee brought her volley ball)

then when we got to the parade sq.. the guys went to play frisbee when me renee joey played net ball with the juniors instead..sharine play cheat!! her hand and leg all so long lurh.. after awhile some got restless.. i had to persuade them to continue playing - -''

then after that.. we played volleyball..awhile later the guys joined in.. awhile later they went off again.. awhile later everyone got restless again.. and i have to persuade them again - -''

went to the basketball court where theres more space.. cause gb and band were doing their drills..(volley ball hit them when they were marching xD)

when we reach the basketball court.. had a HARD time organising.. shout so many times alr.. still ask the same question.. - -'' 'VOLLEY BALL THIS SIDE..FRISBEE THAT SIDE!!'' again and again..

i chose frisbee.. 5 mins later all bored of the game.. joey started doing freeze.. and persuade me to do it too.. lols.. of course i don wan lurh.. so lau kui later cannot lift my legs up.. xD

after games day.. went j8 with them.. yilin,glenda,mei xu joined us.. we saw a whitely shirt lying on the fall.. geraint picked it up.. yilin say the shirt belongs to someone dead how? then started throwing the shirt around .. hahaha..joey suggested we tear the shirt up cause she hate that sch.. so everyone tear the shirt up.. geraint pulled out the sleeve and wore it.. xD

went to mac to rest.. got ourselves an ice cream... we were not talking.. all too tired to talk.. geraint wan to lau sai again.. lols.. went to the toilet for 10mins.. and nth productive was done..

i spent my entire weekend writing down notes for every single subject.. i bought 2 more assessment book for a/e maths but its not even touched yet..

oh ya.. bced yesterday.. i think i'm starting to like bc more and more.. the skills they are teaching us is equipping me with more knowledge each time.. =)

i think my tan frm obs is fading away!!

Peace Out Home Dawg!
10:30 PM

Thursday, July 17, 2008


i saw this while shopping at vivo!

after looking at the 3 pic i realised that my cheekbone(?) is quite high(?)


my eye bigger than sandy's!!

lols.. sry bout the lighting

marker line also want to upload

but look closer!!

mrs chin is such a ....... donno how to describe her..
yesterday during physics class.. i left my physic books and notes in sandy's locker and mrs chin didn't let us take.. so after class she say "quickly go take ur book"
so sandy and i rushed out to the locker and breezed walked back.. by the time 2/3 of the class was alr out.. only left afew.. i realised that i didn't do one question so i went back to my seat and quickly do it.. while doing halfway..

cpc: lijing.. come here..
cpc: are u able to understand wat i'm teaching in class?
lj:er.. ya.. why?
cpc: cause u did quite badly for ur test on pressure (during lesson she said that the class did very well)
lj:O.O huh! fail ar?
cpc:no la.. only one fail but its not u.. u sure u understand?
lj: ya..cause when u teach pressure that time i went for the nationals than i missed out some parts..

and the convo went on.. was really depressed after that..
"u did quite badly" it kept ringing in my head.. again and again.. until i cannot sleep

then today.. i kept chanting to mel "aye.. how~ mrs chin say i did badly for the test leah" lols.. until she quite irritated.. haha

so during physics.. when i went in the class.. mrs chin gave me that look - -'' then she gave out the paper..
she gave according to merit.. highest(24.5/30).. then 24/25 then 23/25(mel) then she gave out those that's 20 and above.. i was prepared not to hear my name in the '20 and above'' category.. then suddenly


lj:huh! me?! i tot u say i did badly..
cpc:sry sry.. i rmb the name wrongly
lj:wha lao.. i almost get depression leah!

frm did badly until get A1 - -''

chionging for chem.. so many formulae to rmb!

Peace Out Home Dawg!
5:45 PM

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

sry for the lack of updates.. i've been really busy.. yes.. u heard me right.. busy.. went out with girlfriends yesterday.. yup.. u can count geraint as a girl.. xD

i totally forgot that sch ends at 12:30 yesterday.. and coincidentally that joyce want to explore the way to her korean sch to see if she could get there herself.. if not she will be running rounds in CIRCLES

windowed shopped.. made fun of things/people.. ate..
sandy and geraint on diet.. they ate ice only.. then we took pictures.. there was this fly thats flying around it flew beside geraint.. cherilyn screamed~ then geraint screamed too! and did the hand thing xD

sat the the circle circle thing then suddenly one indian man came "why 5 girls and only 1 boy'' lols.. all shocked.. haha..

then starbucks! geraint eat the choc muffin until wan to lau sai! hahaha

suddenly cherilyn and i went emo while walking back to the mrt station.. we were walking infront.. while those hyper ones laughing at the back.. suddenly ''aye?! MISS WONG!!'' turned backed.. wondering who the hack is she.. then i saw a familiar face smiling and waving at us.. lols.. her eyes is small lurh.. xD lols.. and she's the only teacher that calls me LJ..at least its better then other ppl..
original name: 4li 1jing
some will pronounce as :4li 3jing
:4li 4jing
- -'' thats also why sandy calls me lj too.. cause she can't pronounce my name..

speaking of sandy~ she fell down during pe on monday! fall until damn style somemore.. parallel slide leah..
i caught the frisbee near to the end-point and saw sandy running.."sandy faster!!'' she reached the end point and breaked to stop.. instead the slided sideways and *plack!....she fell

xD pictures nxt time!

Peace Out Home Dawg!
7:05 PM

Sunday, July 13, 2008

lalala.. second post of the day..

thx alicia(!!) for comforting(?) me =)
although it didn't really help =x
i'm feeling better alr

so thx to geraint's post.. everyone woke up.. and got motivated to study hard.. yay? even i got motivated..

i seriously don't get pressure.. mayb cause i missed the most important mart cause i went for nationals.. shall ask MRT tmr..

i've studied for the whole day today.. trying to understand the barometer and the manometer concept.. but unfortunately i can't.. so i did maths instead.. this time.. i know the concept but i dont know how to apply it.. - -''

mom's gonna get me another tutor.. actually he's my father's younger brother's son's mother's sister's son


my auntie's sister's son..

i actually didn't protest about it.. =)

Peace Out Home Dawg!
9:49 PM

WARNING : the following content may include indecent verbal languages..

fcuked up

quit complaining!! darn u.. i'm alr doing my best to study right? wats wrong with eating chocolate pearls while studying.. wats wrong with listening to music while studying.. wats wrong with twirling my pen while studying..
fcuk.. tell me wats wrong lurh..
i eat chocolate because i needed some caffeine to keep me going..
i listen to music cause it freakin quiet and the quietness is creeping me out..
i twirl my pen cause i'm thinking of a solution for the bloody maths question..

is there any fcuking problem with all this?! dont be telling me how to study.. cause every freaking person is bloody different..


i'm alr doing my best to study.. u're the one who dragged me out of the hse to look at some stupid showroom thing.. and that wasted 2hrs of my life lurh.. it doesn't even concern me if u buy a darn big condo.. if i start rushed to get the facts right in my head.. u say that i spent the whole afternoon gluing my eyes to the com.. fcuk like its my fault like that la..

freaking physics and ss test next week.. and mrs chin said that the test won't be easy..
GREAT.. just wat i need.. another failed test..

Peace Out Home Dawg!
2:26 PM

Friday, July 11, 2008

back to blogging.. this week is like totally in a mess..
ss quiz
amaths test
emaths test
the 2nd and 3rd one can say bye bye
i actually couldn't sleep after the amaths paper.. stressed up i guess.. why this week's been a mess?
ots of things happened.. i realised lotsa things.. frm geraint's blog.. alicia's blog.. friends are really important.. my darlings: alicia,sandy,cherilyn,joyce,mehh,june,gerAInt,louis,darren,mark,kp.. i think i'll be crying my eyes out on grad night..
wat i'm trying to say is.. cherish all ur friends now.. cause all good things will come to an end.. when we graduate.. most of us will be going into different schs.. JCs.. poly.. won't be spending so much time together anymore.. so cherish all the fun and wonderful moments u have now~!
ok.. no more sentimental-kind-of-thing.. back to wat happen this week..well.. actually nth much happened - -''
did geog case study on kalimantan on wed.. brought my lappy to sch and everyone's asking me the same question
everyone: wats that?
lj: er.. my laptop
everyone: for wat?
lj: doing project later
everyone: orhh..*nods head*

standard typical reaction..
so after sch went to the library.. and i can't stand all those signing up for a wireless connection kinda thing.. too me so much time.. i tot we won't finish the project in 1 day.. i actually tot it will take our whole weekend and discuss over msn.. now we just need to add in transitions, pictures and a vid on kalimantan..
sat there for like 3 hrs with the laptop on my lap.. no blood circulation at my butt.. lols.. then cannot stand up.. xD
i think its wed.. or thurs.. we started smsing each other in class.. to yilin.. lols.. we were like laughing at how small each other's eyes are..

vanessa did this to me during the nationals..

this too..

see i so hardworking.. unlike the one below

see!! sleeping!!

messing up elsa's textbook xD

i cant rmb if i've posted this pic.. its mr hu's last day in sch
funshot! =)
geog is fun and interesting.. although its difficult to score.. and there's like lots and lots of projects and case study..
this is our punggol project.. we wrote a song.. but stacia and xue ying did most of the work.. its about the future punggol where the new waterways will be.. ppl could actually canoe/kayak
I don't know if you know
how they live in punggol
if you've been there and you've seen it
then you know you've really gotta go
shift to punggol
go, go, go
shift to punggol
go, go, go
have you heard what's new in punggol?
there's so much you really ought to know
so much to see, so much to show,
come on, let's go to punggol!

mrt, lrt,
waterways, sea sports club,
even a beach, so near the sea,
punggol is the place to be!!

I don't know if you know
how they live in punggol
if you've been there and you've seen it
then you know you've really got to go
shift to punggol
go, go, go
shift to punggol
go, go, go

people there are so friendly,
you'll never be bored there easily,
with so much to do,
so much to see,you'll always be smiling happily

you can go to punggol park for cycling
can go to sea sports club for kayaking
can go to community club for almost anything!

I don't know if you know
how they live in punggol
if you've been there and you've seen it
then you know you've really got to go
shift to punggol
go, go, go
shift to punggol
go, go, go
(first the kallang wave
then the waterways
you've got the mrt and the lrt
so standing still punggol
la la la la la punggol~ we're moving in~)
tune:Tokyo Drift - Teriyaki Boyz Jenny - The Click Five(last chorus)
xue ying
li jing=)

Peace Out Home Dawg!
3:01 PM

Sunday, July 06, 2008


junko outing tmr and i can't go..

haiz.. everyone's sp sad over relationships.. mark told me alot about it.. can't believe he's making so much sense out of it.. understood alot more things alr..

insane amount of homework..

maths alone is alr enough to kill me..
bc-ed yesterday.. although the new teacher's much more boring then karen.. cause i can't spell her name..

fine no link..

but the activities she do is more interesting.. pictionary and stuff like that.. lols..

Peace Out Home Dawg!
11:58 PM

Saturday, July 05, 2008

i forgot to say..

we got our CLASS TEE alr..
wasn't too bad.. dri fit material..
the design turned out to be quite nice too!
not over designed.. or under designed << - -''

Peace Out Home Dawg!
10:09 PM

yesterday's youth day celebration was great.. skits done by the teachers were fantastic.. lols.. mrs yap doing her belly dance.. ms chng dancing with mr lau.. mr ho acting gay.. mrs lim acting as a.. er.. i donno wat she's acting as.. mistress? lols.. i donno..

after that.. walked to j8 with sandy.. lols.. only the 2 of us.. not knowing wat to do.. we decided to watch HANCOCK!! called louis,kp,timo and geriant to come along.. we got the 'scratch s and win' thing.. was given free by the 'ticket seller' then wile waiting for the guys.. we went food court to scratch the thing.. go free yoga session!! lols.. damn retarded la.. sit at one corner then laugh like some mad woman like that..

then the guys came..

movie was not bad.. but the ending sucks doh~ i give it 3.5 stars out of 5

lj: i wanna watch 10 promises to my dog!
sandy: is about wat one?
lj: 10 promise to the dog lor..
sandy: -.-


Peace Out Home Dawg!
9:51 PM

Thursday, July 03, 2008

i really should stop jumping up down like a retarded girl

i really should stop landing on my knees when i learn freezes frm theo

i really should stop falling down on my knees while skating even when i'm wearing the knee guard thing.. (but its difficult to not fall on my knee)

i really should stop leaning to one side and putting all my weight onto my left knee while singing the national anthem when i'm suppose to stand up straight

i really should stop listing wat i should stop doing cause if i do i would be just jump out of my room's window and die..

i really should stop thinking that i will die if i jump out of my room's window

i really should stop using the same line over and over again cause alicia will ask me to think of smt new

i really should stop saying this cause most of u all have no idea wat i'm talking about

chondromalacia patellae(yes! i can spell it!!) really sucks.. its even hurting when i'm walking.. i almost have to crawl my way home..

i shall have my dinner now.. great another flight of stairs - -''

Peace Out Home Dawg!
8:34 PM

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

skipped sch today..
because sch sucks..

just kiddin.. a good girl like me won't skip sch =)
went to safra to help nthe girls out.. suiting them up.. and looking at their performance.. and i finished my book! fatal seductions!! =) its really nice.. but i think its like a M18 book.. don ask me why.. miss chng was there too! i think shes the one thats really bored.. reading newspaper.. lols

Yesterday Physic Lesson Was Hilarious!!

haha.. mrs chin screamed!! lols.. we were doing experiment on air pressure.. using a cardboard and a cup of water.. she was boasting to the whole class how pro she was in doing that experiment.. and she even taught her maid how to do it..

then she cover the cup with the cardboard and turn it over.. unexpectedly the water drop down then she screamed~!! damn funny la.. haha.. lols.. then david also very funny lar.. he was sitting in front of mrs chin when she want to do it the 2nd time.. then he keep pushing her away.. LOL!!

then there was the egg in a bottle experiment.. lols.. she also say she very pro one.. then she also teach her maid how to do.. XD then in class lols!!! cannot do!! wha.. then she pass to fransiscus.. he also cannot! then joey the pro go and do.. and the experiment is like damn cool la.. the whole egg slip inside the bottle..

after that.. it was getting the egg out.. buy blowing air into it.. fransiscus try.. cannot.. then everyone pass around and try.. disgusting la.. inside got the black black thing.. joey keep blowing then the egg stuck half way.. after that yeelin try.. then the whole egg broke off.. then the egg york everything come out XD

lols.. physic's the best man~
all bio students!! be jealous of us!!

quit getting all pitiful.. its pathetic..

Peace Out Home Dawg!
4:41 PM


2009 Resolution!
Get into college
Do well in academics(3 As for olvls?)
L1R5 15. Be multi-linguistic
Be consistent in my shooting scores
Hit 380
Diving Course.. Anyone interested?
Get back to piano
Part-time job after Olvls
Tab "Angel","Superhuman","YTS" by ear.
Macbook pro!
Get tanner
Classical guitar
Electric guitar
New acoustic guitar
Play the guitar even better
Learn to play the Saxophone
Get a driving license
Get a diving license
A bigger room
That headphone
Have more dicipline
[bold, underline, strike, italicize]



2 Peace
Chin teck
Huai ying
Jun hao
Kwan ling
Kar pak
Shooting club
Social Studies Buddy
Suan zee
Wei ying
Xia ping
Xue wen


May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009


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