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Wednesday, April 30, 2008

start of common test today.. its 11:59 pm..so... ya.. still today..
misstham leaving the sch.. SAD.. cannot see her skate anymore!! english.. i chose the 2nd question.. bout writing someone who had greatly inspired me to be a better person.. the 1st thing that came into my mind.. was.. coach teddy.. wrote about how he inspired me to be a motivated shooter.. crapped some parts..

then had 2hrs break.. STUDY!! at the usual 'isolated' study corner.. whenever someone asked a question.. u will confirm hear someone shouting 'I KNOW I KNOW!' and its always the same person.. CHERILYN!! but was useful lurh.. she memorised the whole thing..so she's like a walking secondary 3 social study textbook.. BUT only frm chapter 2 to 4.. had fun while studying.. this is the kind of environment that i like to study in.. helping out one another, instead of pasting the whole textbook into ur face and study alone.. unless is like practising question like maths.. that i prefer to study alone.. or with a tuition teacher..

kk back to the topic of the post.. went back to class.. mrs chin was taking us..
mrs chin: make sure you turn off ur hand phones arh... if not there will be VIBRATORS!!
-whole class.. shocked! then start laughing out loud-

then she gave us our papers.. we were still laughing bout the vibrators thing..(suppose to keep quiet)
mrs chin: aye~! you'll better keep quiet arh.. if not i will keep cursing that you'll forget everything and fail ur paper...
-burst-ed into laugher again XD-

SS.. amazingly i left 5 mins to check through.. but i only manage to check 2b.. i did the question on the health care in Britain and Singapore.. when the paper started.. i read the 1st question..
'governance in Singapore' Oo!!! wha lao.. didn't even bother to read the question.. then i scanned through the 2nd question.. er.. okay la.. can do.. then i quickly browse through the 3rd one.. i can do 3a but not very sure of 3b..

so i grabbed my pen and started writing like i nv did before.. stop a few times to dry my sweaty palms.. and to 'straighten' my hand so not so sour(suan).. but i think its okay la.. can pass.. er.. just hope that my history won't pull the marks down.. and fyi.. i got a pathetic score of O/15 for my latest test.. actually.. the whole e.history class students failed.. highest was 14.. - -''

reason? no one had a freakin clue that there was going to be a test.. not even the fat guy in alicia's class(the one that everyone don't like)..

ok so.. now.. 2 down 6 more to go.. my greatest fear.. A.maths!! bloody hell.. 99.9% fail.. BUT still have that lil hope of 0.1% that will pass =) so.. LIM LI JING U BETTER WORK HARDER HOR!
but.. i'm alr numb to the wtf?-i failed-a.maths kinda feeling alr.. for the last test.. er.. 2.5 more marks to pass.. equals to fail lah! i wasn't sad.. instead was laughing away.. - -'' shiat.. i'm going crazy.. pls.. DON'T save me if i do.. i heard that ppl who go crazy are much happier..

all the best everyone!

Peace Out Home Dawg!
11:57 PM

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

i don wanna grow up.. i'm an everland kid..
i seriously have NO idea why its still ringing in my head..

today sucks!!!big time!! sucks!!!
thx to fransiscus leo,louis ow jin pheng,ZEE WEI LIN MELISSA ZEE WEI LIN! for making me curious and juicing up my brain about stupid stuffs.. and got scolded by veg oil countless times.. sucks..
seriously i don get why they say it.. i can't even feel it.. damn.. alicia had to give me a REALLY BIG hint before i noe..and the worst thing is someone found out bout it.. and someone is a really ass sucker.. if u think u suck asses then so be it..

common test starts tmr.. i don really feels the pressure YET.. as u can see... i'm still bloggin slowly..

oh.. and i'm eligible for obs.. i got 4 yes-es in the medical form thing.. chrondromalacia patella(i can finally spell it) astma, short sighted.. and knee treatment in the past few yrs.. i was liuke freakin smiling to myself when the doc circled FIT FOR OBS! wootS! i rock "D

i think i should study now..
i think i should study now..
i think i should study now..
i think i should study now..
i think i should study now..
i think i should study now..
i think i should study now..
i think i should study now..

Peace Out Home Dawg!
3:40 PM

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

i've been stoning in front of this 'create post' page for the pass 5 mins.. not knowing wat to write about..

my brain is REALLY NOT functioning well these days

!! i'm going for OBS! yay! i'm on the freakin liST!! whoa.. yesterday mr lai saw me.. and told me.. reason for letting me go? : i'm such a good girl(halo appearing) =)

i'm so freakin excited.. i'm going for SOOOO many trips this yr "DDDD


but sad to say.. OBS is not confirm.. cause need to have a medical full body check up.. and i'm really scareeed that i'm not certified as fit to go for it..

wats wrong with me saying that i'm guai?! i just can't get why people like... alicia,joyce,sandy,melissa,shermaine,june,sufang,joey,yilin.... they actually have the same reaction... *WHOAAA~~!*

them: wha u so guai ar..

me~!: of course la!

then they actually have a few responds.. but falls under the same category anyway..

they will:

--> sometimes they have combination<--

hais.. this ppl just can't get their facts right..right?

i think geog,history and ss notes is affecting me..

i'm writing my post in point forms.. - -''

Peace Out Home Dawg!
4:26 PM

Tuesday, April 22, 2008


failed A.maths.. AGAIN! 3 times in a row.. oh.. pls pls pls don feel sad for me.. cause i'm immune to the amaths-failing-kinda-feeling alr.. but i did improve!

at least i passed my e.maths.. if i fail.. i should just drop outta sch.. no offence to those that failed though..

sandy's birthday.. saw her going up the hall.. then
happy birthday sandy! *hugs

shared present with alicia joyce and cherilyn.. they made the surprise for her yesterday.. but.. didn't really worked out the way we expected?

then stayed back after sch to do the newsletter thing.. mermaids are lame!!! then went com lab to do the layout.. and joey making all my hair stand.. ><'

then walked to j8.. small eyes ppl rocks!! ^^ but i rock more..

Peace Out Home Dawg!
10:07 PM

Sunday, April 20, 2008

PFT on FRI..
only thing i'm satisfied with is standing broad jump.. cause its the one that i aced the highest.. 194 cm.. yay? and if u're asking why i can jump so high/far.. not that i eat frogs everyday.. or drink kangaroo juice.. i just happened to be in the pri sch's long jump team like 500 years ago..

went to joyce hse after that.. alicia and sandy couldn't go.. so its was only joyce and me.. right.. JOYCE and ME.. o.o? okay.. its another inside joke.. and i was phychologically affected
To joyce&sandy: pls don say u're sorry.. cause.. ITS TOO LATE TO APOLOGIZED~~! XD

yesterday.. BCed.. er.. was not that bad? and we did the memorising facts thing.. was fun.. i was the first one to go.. but.. the first card was very long.. so i did the second one.. which is much shorter.. and i think vickie did the longer one.. or is it louis? can't rmb.. was busy writing down the things i rmb..

then sandy came.. karen ask me to sit with her D" used their buy one get 10 free laptops.. and read a write up about pastoral nomads in Senegal.. i think its spelled that way.. and the write up is like so freakin LONG.. the laptop was shared by 3 person.. and i happen to be in between a freaky 8 legged creature with lime green watch and a girl.. i can't spell her name.. so both their heads is like near my cheeks.. and i can't turn my head.. cause if i did.. i would be kissing one of them in the hair... and the girl whom i can't spell her name.. eer.. her shampoo very nice.. its HERBAL ESSENCE! very easy to recognise cause i use it everyday..

studied today.. started from scratch for A.maths..glad to say that i survived?

Peace Out Home Dawg!
10:28 PM

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

sry for not posting.. very busy.. common test is coming and i HAVE NOT EVEN started revising..

lets seee.. o.o

i think maths will have to study quite a lot of chapters.. once again its insane..

today.. woo! finally did our presentation about kunming for the lower sec.. lol.. freakin nervous can? lucky i not doing upper sec.. if not wha.. stone in frm of the 3 lvls on the stage.. oh! and we got our souvenirs a photo of ourselves.. cool right? its damn nice.. thx mr tan and miss yip "D

and there's this workshop today.. bout studying smart.. i'm a right brain-er..

er.. wat else? 2.4 got 15:13mins.. kns! lets just say i didn't do my best to run? cause of my knee injury.. i don really dare to run fast.. er.. and i'm very careful not to stress too much on my left knee.. aniways.. at least still a 'B' not that bad? i donnoe.. just hope i still get my gold this year.. i've been getting gold since the first test which is like pri 4? i think.. can't rmb? shit i think i'm becoming a goldfish..

SS test this fri.. so is PFT.. only thing that i'm worried is the sit and reach.. or is it sit and stretch? ai ya.. u get it can alr.. cause i can't really stretch that much.. gettin old? i guess so.. i could do spilt.. like thousands and thousands of yrs ago..

and i'm feelin weird while typing this post.. why?!

Peace Out Home Dawg!
10:13 PM

Saturday, April 12, 2008

yester.. after sch.. stoned with shermaine at the canteen until 2 o'clock.. to transport the weaponds..

went to HTNS.. sleep in the bus.. cause the uncle was playing some sleepy music.. rushed up the range.. checked the weaponds.. and carried the lagguage and weaponds to the bus.. which is like so far away..

after that went to safra slept on the bus again.. cause the uncle was still playing the sleepy music.. then put the weaponds and lagguage there..

then went back to sch.. rushed home.. choing on my lunch then went to meet alicia and joyce at j8.. we bought the sweet after deciding for a century which to buy.. thenn.. HAH! sandy was here.. played hide-and seek- with her.. when she go up the escalator.. we go down.. XD.. damn funny la.. 3 15 yr olds playing with escalator XDD

founders day.. quite boring.. apparently i was sitting beside sandy.. and i have to bear with her laughing-for-no-good-reason kinda thing.. - -''

dance was.. er..i expected hip hop.. but don have.. cause it doesn't fit to the occasion? so instead all the boneless dancers came out.. frm kcpss and kcpps..

nth much to say bout founder's day.. only thing that was fun was shouting/cheering and screaming for mr marikan.. lOl.. whole of the sec 3s screamed.. hah! guess the pri sch kids were ab it shocked cause all of them turned behind the sec we scream... lol..

after the whole ceremony.. walked to j8 with alicia and stared at the tremendous amount of stars >.o

Peace Out Home Dawg!
11:52 PM

Thursday, April 10, 2008

haven been updating for quite some time.. i'll start with.. last sat CDANS/HTNS shoot.. er.. i kinda rushed for the 3rd series and most of the shots were 8s.. which sucks.. so i calmed myself down.. and my 4th series was not bad..mostly 9s and 10s so was my 1st and 2nd series.. =)

my total score was 370/400 according to weiying.. and got a avg of 9.25/10 quite dissapointing i guess.. my 3rd series was the one that pulled me down.. SO.. lesson learnt.. NEVER RUSH THINGS if u wanna do well "D

i don wanna grow up..
i'm an everland kid =)

the show.. was.. - -'' the only funny/nice part was when the audience shout retarded things out.. oh.. and the song was nice.. i like "wendy's" voice.. super nice.. *~ ~* we were sitting behind mrs tham.. lol.. she look like she's attending wedding or smt..



i swear i opened my eyes.. don believe right? *click to enlarge*

2.4 !!! crappy timing.. worst.. triggered my knee problem thing.. mum took me to the doc.. he say.. its 'Chondromalacia Patellae' a sports injury on the knee.. he say should prevent frm running long distance.. if not will worstsen the injury.. and now.. when i run.. i must wear the knee stabalister/knee guard.. then tuition.. i found out that my tuition teacher is the same teacher frm her tuition centre.. ans she said that he's the boss or smt..

training.. coach scolded us for our pathetic results.. and say that with this score.. its impossible to compete in the nationals..sad.. that training.. was more like a studying session for the sec 3s instead of training.. cause mr chong was there to guide us.. "D thx!

after training.. rushed to vivo cause its sis b'day.. was fustrated? somehow.. cause she always wan to eat in thoses weird weird place that serves weird weird food.. and this year.. we ate HERBS.. and only the free appetiser was nice.. i had lame chop.. its like chinese+western+jap.. i think they run out of dressings and used toothpaste instead, on the salad..

when home.. rushed on geog project/presentation.. which was SUPPOSE to be presented the next day.. while rushing studied chem as well..

got on to the car.. zomgoodness!!! forgot to bring the thumbdrive for the geog project!!! omg.. mum say she go home and take then give me.. in the end no presentation!! wtf?! then mr tan wanted to meet the kun ming gang"D for the presentation next week.. nervous!! on stage somemore.. but still donnoe who presenting.. then chem test.. i think i will score quite low.. but should be able to pass?

NEXT:today! aka thurs..
assemble.. freaking irritated by the freaking fan.. blowing straight at me.. then my hair fly here fly there tickle my neck.. then geog.. did the presentation.. not very good i guess.. then last period maths!!! when that oil man say: 'stop writing' everyone starting screaming!!! like some crazy shit..

lj has once again flung her a/maths.. congrats girl!!


Peace Out Home Dawg!
2:35 PM

Friday, April 04, 2008

quick update!!!~

overslept today.. lols.. woke up at 9++ then by the time i reach sch alr like going to 10 alr.. nv get caught somemore.. lols.. then i stoned until 10:40 when they going for recess then go in the classroom.. i rock la can..

after chapel went for training at HTns.. crapped in the bus.. reach there suited up and shoot.. then crapped again at the poolside cafe.. shoot shoot shoot then go home... but the bus will only reach at 7:10 so everyone wait wait wait..

while waiting me and june go buy the long long sweet then i play with joey the 'string game' when we very close to each other tht time.. bryan suddenly push our head together.. - -'' and we 'kissed' each other.. - -!! but not on the lips la.. i also donnoe where i kiss lols..

when the bus came.. we crapped even more.. lol.. me, geraint, joey and bryan lol.. ki siao alr.. keep making stupid noise.. XD damn funny la..

tmr's.. everland.. yay?

Peace Out Home Dawg!
10:03 PM

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

keep forgeting where my parents went to.. we had a profiling thing after sch today.. it was damn fun.. but.. while having the ice breaker thing.. i got forfeited.. - -'' so embrassing!!! argg! joey actually took a vid of me.. and she showed it to bryan, june and mark(?).. !!! no face alr..

oh oh.. my personality is C.S.I ^^ cool rite? accordingly somemore.. er.. i think i'm going to korean.. but.. only 6 days only.. very short.. lucky i ask my mum on the right day.. then she allow me to hawaii also.. but hawaii better go for 2 weeks.. but the sch not subcidising.. so we must sell things.. those cheap things but can sell at very high price.. then david say 'make the card with bible writings on it.. then sell 1 for 10$!'

i'm so relieved that a/e maths are postponed to next week "D

Peace Out Home Dawg!
9:09 PM


2009 Resolution!
Get into college
Do well in academics(3 As for olvls?)
L1R5 15. Be multi-linguistic
Be consistent in my shooting scores
Hit 380
Diving Course.. Anyone interested?
Get back to piano
Part-time job after Olvls
Tab "Angel","Superhuman","YTS" by ear.
Macbook pro!
Get tanner
Classical guitar
Electric guitar
New acoustic guitar
Play the guitar even better
Learn to play the Saxophone
Get a driving license
Get a diving license
A bigger room
That headphone
Have more dicipline
[bold, underline, strike, italicize]



2 Peace
Chin teck
Huai ying
Jun hao
Kwan ling
Kar pak
Shooting club
Social Studies Buddy
Suan zee
Wei ying
Xia ping
Xue wen


May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009


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