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Sunday, March 30, 2008

er.. training on fri.. was a bad one.. for me.. i mean.. i feel bad.. really.. really very.. bad.. 90% of the club came to support the tnkkb's performance.. and all of them were late.. miss ros scolded them.. like.. fool! bullshit! ridiculous! she scolded them when they one by one went in front to say the reason why they were late.. but she didnt scold me.. thats why i felt bad.. she punished them.. running 20 rounds.. 60 push ups and 60 sit ups.. she said that.. me and geraint were excused for it.. which made me feel even worst.. when i was in the parade sq.. saw my juniors..vanessa,rui xuan, lorraine, gloadys.. and somehow.. my eyes brimmed with tears.. and told them that i felt bad.. and i thank them for being so understanding.. not blaming me.. and even tried to clam me down..

i ran with the club.. while running.. the 3 'S's..sandy,sharine,shermaine keep trying to make me feel better tellin me that i don need to ran with them.. renee too keep asking me wat happen.. i keep quiet..

after running.. i'm alr emotionally in controlled alr.. gladys suddenly came to me..
gladys: can lend me your sleeve?
me: for wat?
gladys: i very sweaty(use my sleeve to wipe her sweat)
me:-stares- O.O
then i smiled..

geraint saw that..
him:i also wan.. the other side one
-start rubbing his forehead on my sleeves-

lol.. then i felt better alr..

jun kang was the first one i told.. bout it.. so i wan to say thanks too for listening.. "D

Peace Out Home Dawg!
11:17 PM

Saturday, March 29, 2008

tnkkb's first performance yesterday!

when its geog.. last period before the performers go and prepare.. super nevous.. like have a weird feelin in ur stomach.. vicktoria keep telling me don so nevous.. then lousi keep making me nervous.. - -''

*bell rings*

omg.. quickly went to pee first.. then eat.. get our equipments.. then start practising my SOLO!! and help kirb get his drums in position.. saw the comtempery(correct speeling?) dance.. i'm suspecting something.. DO THEY HAVE BONES AT ALLL???!!! then yilin that group go rehearse its like so cool.. and louis breakdance rocks.. damn cool..
gab borrowed my guitar..
lj: don untune it ar!
gab return my guitar..
eh? sounds diff..
lj: u untune my guitar ar?!!
gab: ya.. drop D
wtf?! i tuned it perfectly alr la!

when chapel ends.. all the students keep pouring out like ants.. and soon the whole concourse was full.. FULL HOUSE!! wha super nevous.. don even dare to life my head up..

1st performer was the paino playing of a sec 2 boy.. and then the boneless dance.. then US!!!

got everything rdy.. had my capo on first and my pick rdy..
roy: our first song.. the reasons..

wtf??!! reasons?!!!! threw my capo and pick on the floor and started playing quickly.. then our last song pieces.. curse that guy that turned my amp down.. hope his nose drop out when he's digging it.. can hardly hear me!! and i prac so sooo sooooo sooooooo hard for the solo.. and i perfect it went i was performing but it couldn't be hheard..

but overall i think it was ok.. recieved afew comments.. and we're making arrangment bout the singers alr.. don worry no one will be kicked out..

and some of u must be think.. eh? i tot lj is the back up too?
i am.. but they didn't have enough mics for us..

i give our self 3 stars for this performace.. theres room for improvement "D

Peace Out Home Dawg!
5:47 PM

Thursday, March 27, 2008

pissed now..

i can only stop piss-ing myself when i stop imaginating that tmr morning.. i'm gonna get out of the car.. with a guitar almost as tall as me, and a amp thats bigger than my head..

and at 2 pm.. i'm going up to the range which is bloody on the 3rd floor with everything.. and down again at 5pm..

wasn't that pissed just now.. donnoe why suddenly so piss..

why can't the sch be more prepared about all this stuff like.. i mean.. they want students to perform on stage.. to SHOWCASE our talents..but they don wan to equip us with everything.. the drumset is missing 1 crash cymbal.. and the whole sch has ONLY one 1 pathetic bloody amps..

and i donated 100 bucks for books! a library that no ones goes to read but to destroy books.. although it'll be used for i think dance and drama thing.. but library?! why not just spend the money on the aircons they installed but was never on..

feel so much better after these.. blog about today tmr..

support us peeps!

Peace Out Home Dawg!
10:51 PM

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

donnoe wats wrong with me.. i left my gloves/towel/bottle in the range yesterday.. and i just realised that i left my physic textbook somewhere in sch today..

woot! we rocked the studio today!!! as most of u noe.. tnkkb is gonna perform on fri.. so pls come and support us.. we'll be playing:

the reason-hoobastank
crazy-simple plan
pieces-sum 41

so do come and support us..

few days ago.. abigail stood up for the whole class.. telling how oily reggie lim teaching is.. so oily that we found it disgusting and hard to understand.. and today.. we complained to mrs lee about him.. hopefully she would do smt bout it..

we did chemistry presentation today.. not that bad i think.. my voice kinda shaky.. shy mah.. and i wrote our grp name wrongly.. suppose to be grp2 i put as grp 3.. cause somehow i tot we were frm group 3.. donnoe why..
lj: good morning.. mr kom,mrs gan(no idea why she's there) we are frm grp....2...shit!(softly but loud enough for the front row peeps to laugh at me - -'')

i'm really tired this days..

our first performance this fri.. come and rock the concourse with the tnkkb!!

Peace Out Home Dawg!
10:02 PM

Sunday, March 23, 2008

this is my 100th post.. *applause*

when to safra at 12:45 today.. and my detail like start at 3:20 - -'' stoned there for almost 3hrs.. niways.. that cheena woman standing behind me.. is freakin irritating..don noe wats wrong with her.. keep burping and coughing and hip cupping.. somemore.. she must zhun zhun do at the time when i'm aiming..

i think everyone shot suckyly today.. i shot 369 wei ying 372.. can't rmb my rank but i noe i'm 2 rank below her..


Peace Out Home Dawg!
6:01 PM

Friday, March 21, 2008

went shopping with alicia,joyce and sandy.. at first go vivo.. walked one round cannot find any thing.. then we go eat at sushi tei!!! yay.. i ordered the most.. lol.. anyway we all share the food together.. after that.. we bought the string sweet at giant.. almost wanted to play that game in public XD

went down the escalator.. lOl.. its the carpark.. suppose to go to the mrt.. the mrt was very empty.. we took pics.. too lazy to post.. =) and i played that string game with joyce.. XD

then we reach bugis.. wandered around.. joyce and sandy bough the same collar shirt.. i bought the shirt with those wordings.. the shopkeeper is like super friendly.. XD at first kena shocked.. very friendly.. when paying that time.. joyce say : zhe ge one li jing de

shop keeper: orh.. zhe ge yi jing de.. then zhe ge is na ge yi zhi siao de(joyce) (she point to sandy's shirt) zhe ge shi catherine(shop keeper) de

then walked around again.. sandy was like talking about sliver to me outside the shop.. until we didnt even realise that joyce bough her belt alr..

oh oh!!! joyce bought a skirt.. at first she die die also don wan to try.. as in she wan to buy but don wan to try on because she lazy to take off her pants.. after a million years.. us saying 'ai ya just take out la' she finally take off her pants....... round of applause for us!! "D

then it was time to go home.. while waiting for joyce daddy to fetch us.. i bough a coconut.. finished it with secs.. so little.. no wonder so cheap.. then the flesh inside.. the person nv give me spoon.. i use the straw.. dig out.. after a million years.. i eat a few 'strands' of it than pek chek alr............. round of applause for me!!

then joyce dad came.. crapped again.. did that snapping thing.. when we reached bishan.. joyce wanted to rent the dise so we follow her.. then me and sandy walk to j8..

btw.. happy good friday??!

Peace Out Home Dawg!
10:06 PM

Thursday, March 20, 2008

today was fun fun fun fun fun fun fun!!
we ended lessons at 12:30 cause the teachers had some celebration thingy
then we went to eat carrot cake with alicia,joyce,xp and xw.. xp eat prawn noodles i think.. xw didn't eat.. i eat half way.. don feel like eating then leave there.. awhile later eat again.. then don feel like eating.. then eat again.. in the end i finish the whole thing - -''

after that.. they come to my house.. lol.. very fun lars.. we play snap.. then sandy lose.. suppose to kiss everyone on the cheek.. then delay until we play next round.. but we play bluff instead.. i lose la of course i so honest ^^ then end up i and sandy kiss each other.. i faster rush up to sandy face then cover with my hand.. lols!! alicia was like so shocked!! O.O

lol.. then we do the real one.. they took pics XD

and we played the sweet game.. the long long strip of sweet.. then 2 person eat at each end then start eating until very close to each other mouths.. then we do the cross one then all four heads bang together.. lol.. all snatching for the sweet!! then start poking each other.. i noe ur're like o.o?? now.. but nvm.. i noe and alicia and sandy and joyce noe can alr.. XD

we watched the videos.. the criscocker one and the americans are stupid vid.. super funny la..

we hid under the balnket and stone lols.. joyce wore my shirt the one with collar.. then call sandy wear my bare back shirt at first say wan then after that don wan lol.. cause can see the bra.. XD

oh.. and we crapped about lots of random stuffs.. can keep laughing for no good reason.. very funny la..

we talked about so much until i can't rmb wat to write "D

Peace Out Home Dawg!
7:01 PM

Monday, March 17, 2008

F***ing dissapointed and tired today >=#

i went to sch with a red eye bag!! don ask me why..

pe sucked.. cause it made me all sticky for the entire day..

then maths like totally rock... don't u just love maths? i flung my E and A maths..
passed 1 failed one.. for u to guess which is which.. but i don think anyone will be interested to know..

physic.. gosh.. deproved!! 16/20 wtf.. totally wasted 2 marks.. cause i divided the rectangle(distance) into half thinking that its a triangle..
sandy didn't come..
mrs chin: whoes sandy's good friend (looking at me and mehh's direction)
-we pointed at each other synchronizingly..(i think i used this word correctly)
chin:tsk tsk.. wat kind of friend are you? whose her good friend??!!
-with our heads down doing our work.. pointed at each other again-
lOl.. me and mehh are the badies rite? then joey was like 'ooohhh.. li jing..oohhh...'
i'm like so - -!!

then we had this worksheet
chin: got take for sandy or not?
-me.. shaking head-
chin: haiyo..
joey: ya lor.. oooohhhh..

o.o!! this is the only 'fun' thing that happened today..

ookkayyy.. joyce just called me.. =) don noe why.. she always somehow manage to make me smile =D
i think its because of her lameness and her BHB-ness..

Peace Out Home Dawg!
3:25 PM

Sunday, March 16, 2008

yay.. new skin.. "D i like that monkey on top *looks up* yup that one shaking its head..

i forgot to post about Kbox.. went with xp,xw, and joy cee!

me and xp manage to do the 'perfeted' version of mummy aka mu nia yi.. with the pei yin all this.. so cool.. we got student price so cheap.. got food somemore..

!kunming gang 07! actually not all of them..abel,eve,joey,june,joan.mark and vickie came..
abel and mark make joey by dragging her off my bed.. then instead of joey screaming is eve scream.. LOL..

we slacked at first then after that start to get serious alr.. looked through the pics.. they keep saying jia le and me look like twins..
eve: is he like ur long lost twin brother or something??!!
really look alike mehh??!!
name also almost the same.. Jia Le.. JL
Li Jing.. LJ o.o!!

orderd pizza..

after that all lie on my bed.. tell ghost stories!! lol.. everyone so freaked out la.. then joey keep making sound effects.. - -!!
suddenly the room darken cause the cloud covering the sun.. then joan was like so freaked out la.. damn funny la..

..bored at home..

Peace Out Home Dawg!
1:18 AM

Friday, March 14, 2008

jamming part 2

ok.. after all that jamming thing.. saw roy.. then went to bus interchange to wait for the rest, which is only mehh and kirb.. called kirb then call us to go first.. when we reached there.. took some pics..with that kkb sign.. lol.. the group coming out of the studio tot we siao XD

start adjusting the amp and guitar.. tried playing crazy with kp but it was weird w/o drums..

finally they arrived.. roy took half my job over for the day.. being the backup singer..played the reason,crazy,numb,pieces.. omg pieces.. my solo part.. gosh.. totally screwed.. practise too much on the reasons alr.. and welcome to my life with roy,joyce and alil of kp.. the rest all playing with keyboard.. after that i got bored.. i forgot wat i was doing then suddenly mehh shouted ' jing he broke ur string!!!' -looks immediatly- lols! damn funny.. don ask me why.. cause i also donnoe.. then ask the person help me change string.. XD

then we played all the songs one more time then we went back..

yesterday intense training.. actually wasn't that intense just that too long nv run alr.. then suddenly run 15 rounds.. insane.. push-ups and sit-ups were fine.. i do them almost everyday.. so much prac more on stamina.. most of the sec1s should be shooting today with suits(actually i was also suppose to my geriant was wearing my jacket, took the chance to slack)!suited some of them up.. passed gladys my old suit.. hah! she too fat!!XDD lols.. kiddin.. then she say i skinny.. suddenly sharine come and help her.. - -'' of course i lose la.. again.. lost to 2 person 2 day in a row.. sad..

today training..
did the same thing 15 rounds 30 push/sit ups.. no prob.. "D just that today we do in the sun while yesterday get to do in shelter.. and we also get to see sec1s tortured by coach.. but miss ros got a baby=) to look after so she let them off.. sad.. cannot see them screaming for help.. )=

Peace Out Home Dawg!
8:29 PM

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

jamming!!! yay!! yup went jamming yesterday.. met up with kar pak, kar lok and joycey! kar pak treat me takopachi! then we went to S11.. i ate the ban mian.. so spicy.. XD then i saw someone from our sch.. -look closer- eh? looks like victoria..but like don look like like that..then i look at the tall person beside her.. xue ying!! turn to kp and joyce..
lj:' is that victoria??!!'
kp: yes.. VICK!
ask if were going jamming by doing that guitar-strumming action.. - -''
then we continued eating.. after eating.. we decided to di siao her.. since its still early.. went to their table *pokes*

then we got so bored that all 4 of us stared at her eating.. hah! she got stress.. then keep chasing us away.. XD but still early that we continue staring at her.. then she stare back at me.. with something that made me jealous
me-->- -'''

who win? u say leh? she still got do the blink blink thing.. lol!

wha i need to sleep alr.. tml then continue..

Peace Out Home Dawg!
11:13 PM

Monday, March 10, 2008

day 1
yay.. its camp!! woots! went to sch..we gathered in the hall.. then 2 trainers were allocated to each class.. my 2 trainers: eeyyer and kryslynn

classes were named after south america's(?) tribal village.. theres apache(truth),black-foot(faith),chinook!!!(peace),underwear(joy) and eenuu(love)

yay.. chinook we rock!

then after briefing and praying.. we set off to our journey to taman hutan legenda.. we were suppose to think of a cheer.. and i think our cheer rocks..

1st one
chinook ker-ma ma ole ole ah ah!
(chinook ker-ma ma ole ole ah ah!)

shake it up

shake it up


shake shake
(yea! yea!)
oooooooooooooooooooo chinook!!!

every morning day and night!
(every morning day and night!)

chinook chinook train to fight!
(chinook chinook train to fight!)

charging up the hill with might!
(charging up the hill with might!)

we will win the war tonight!
(we will win the war tonight!)

*hitting our left shoulder*
we will win the war
we will win the war
we will win the war

*hitting our left shoulder and stamping our foot*
we will win the war
we will win the war
we will win the war

*hitting our left shoukder and jumping like some crazy ppl*
we will win the war
we will win the war
we will win the war

yeup stopped at yong peng got smt to eat and continued on our bus ride there..
soon we reached there.. allocated us to our tents and taught us how to set em up.. we went to the mph to do some ice breakers.. theres wacko! my fav.. but we were suppose to choose another name for urself.. like i'm Li jing so i choose something like Lizard..have to choose another that starts with the same letter as ur name.. and apparently lizard and house(huai ying) is one of the most easy to rmb.. so when its house huaiying will go lizard.. lOl! after that we design our flag.. it'll look nicer without all our names on it..

oh oh.. me and mehh went to stacia and xue ying's tent.. LOL!! almost die-ed inside.. they were munching on pei jia's cracker and can't stop eating..until it was like going to no more.. then they try to hide all the wrappers.. then awhile later they start eating again.. then stacia move donnoe whose bag then got somemore crackers there!! then all start laughing.. i noe u won;t get it.. but its darn hilarious.. i'm laughing to myself now..

before the night walk keep poking ppl..espeacially victoria.. lol.. then now when evryone kena poke.. sure say is lijing - -'' i so pure and innocent!!!

nightwalk at night.. lth was standing infront of me - -'' so i had to grab her bag.. but the worst thing was.. i found/discovered/realised that louis have a super irritating low voice.. and almost through out the period when the light went out.. he was talking about D.gray man!!! zomgosh.. and his voice is like so low and soft.. wha piang.. lol.. scolded him afew times :P

oh oh .. lth.. when we were walking in a single file.. the heads infront were all black.. than suddenly lth turn around.. she overdosed on her make-up.. her face was freakinly frightrning dogishly white.. wha lao.. shocked!

int the ten when we were about to sleep.. nat keep lifting her legs up.. like doing yogo like that.. joey keep slaping her leg.. lol.. then got the !piak! sound like killing mosquitoes like that XD

day 2
woke up.. er..we went to the NS camp site.. did water activities.. our first activity was everone holding holding hands and jump down the freezing cold water.. then form a circle and lie backwards.. my lifejacket made me totally unglam - -'' then it rained.. brr.. all shivering.. mehh keep tensing up then shiver.. lols.. wanted to laugh but like very bad like that.. then keep telling her to relax then u will feel warmer.. then she will go like 'i'm relaxing! i'm relaxing! very cold!" lOl.. shopie was shivering also the way she shiver very cute.. like one small girl like that.. XD

then er.. did water rafting.. fun fun fun! splahing water at other rafts.. lol.. so fun.. yeup we bonded.. alot! then there was kayaking.. went with mehh.. lol.. banged other boats.. then splash at them!!! chased ian and kryslynn.. not to mention that she is having her pms.. scolded us first thing in the morning..(this post i long)

moving on!! crossed the river using that board thingy lol.. lucky nv drop inside.. gab's phone was gone and ct psp a bit ki siao alr.. still got one ipod donnoe whose also gone..
then we ate at the small shelther crapped and poked kar pak.. then all of us rotted there then went for jungle survival.. saw how they cook rice/fish/banana with bamboo and just some water.. too bad they can't show us how they start fire.. sad.. then some of us made the bamboo bottle.. we created music with it okay! don play play.. mary had a little lamb leah.. scared rite?!

then jungle trail! woots! survived! no leech bites... cool.. but i'm wondering how it feels like.. after that went back to the campsite.. and great we had to walk up.. the the road is so so so kun ming.. in kun ming we had to walk 4km up the mountain.. and the path is so kun ming.. got back to our tents.. wow!! ants visited us.. how nice of them.. and they almost carried my slippers away as sovinier.. ian is such an asshole.. he wasted a few drops of joey's tears!!! lied to us thats hes leaving.. then joey teared..make me wan to cry also..

then entertainment night.. he's like the bloody MC.. o.o!! and all started screaming!!(ok this post is getting really long) screamed and cheered! louis and yilin danced..cool..
when all the fun ended went back to slp.. theres lesser ants.. and we kinda transported the ants to stacia's tent.. :P

day 3
packed our things and moved to the grass patch place, then eat.. then go back sg.. in the bus.. we talked about lame jokes,personality test and ghost stories told them my encounter.. michelle say my voice very good for telling ghost stories o.o!!
when we reach sg.. yilin did that philipine accent thingy.. damn funny la.. lol.. she repeated it 3 times.. then its like radio spoilt then playback.. after that reach sg we won the bestest best grp award and underwear won the best cheer.. then everyone say bye bye..

-ok this is a really long post!-

ok chinook we rocked and we realy bonded in those 3 days..yay!

Peace Out Home Dawg!
10:38 PM

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

yay its camp!! (tml)

going to JB.. but bintan seems to be more fun..

niways won't be back till fri.. mayb going for competition on sat..

oh oh.. surprising i passed my chem.. yay.. 19/20.. NH3 - -''

Peace Out Home Dawg!
10:05 PM

Saturday, March 01, 2008

a saint once decreed that at every leap year on the 29th of febuary, when a woman propose to a man the man must accept, this tradition was in ireland =)

Peace Out Home Dawg!
8:10 PM


2009 Resolution!
Get into college
Do well in academics(3 As for olvls?)
L1R5 15. Be multi-linguistic
Be consistent in my shooting scores
Hit 380
Diving Course.. Anyone interested?
Get back to piano
Part-time job after Olvls
Tab "Angel","Superhuman","YTS" by ear.
Macbook pro!
Get tanner
Classical guitar
Electric guitar
New acoustic guitar
Play the guitar even better
Learn to play the Saxophone
Get a driving license
Get a diving license
A bigger room
That headphone
Have more dicipline
[bold, underline, strike, italicize]



2 Peace
Chin teck
Huai ying
Jun hao
Kwan ling
Kar pak
Shooting club
Social Studies Buddy
Suan zee
Wei ying
Xia ping
Xue wen


May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009


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