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Tuesday, May 29, 2007

had training today.. sianzz..
i brought my skates to sch.. cause going to ecp with mel,geraint,gab..
geraint left the range round 10+ i think.. guys were allowed to leave early cause they came eariler then the girls..
bout 12.. training ended.. coach remained me again and again to be careful when i'm skating..
can't afford to get injured now.. nationals coming up..
mel gab and geraint are not here yet..zz
so to kill boredom.. carried my skates..went to skate at the canal..
while i was walking there..a bunch of ah sohs were walking towards me..
they kept looking at me.. donnoe y.. nv see ppl carry skates before meh??
wth..piss me off when strangers stare at me for no gd reason..
put on my skates and started skating round..woo~~
suddenly my phone rang..scared mi.. so loud( ppl that know how my ringtone sounds like will know)
i took out my phone frm my pocket..was geraint..
told me to wait for him at the sch's main gate..
so i skated back..
aye.. where is he?? can't find him any where..
so i carried on skating..
like 30secs later..
he called again
i think the conversation is like that
geraint:where r u?
lj:i skating..
lj:ok nvm.. where r u?
geraint:at the sch main gate la.. with gab..
lj:where i don see u..
geraint:orh.. there.. i saw ur legs alr..
lj:oh..ok bye..
then we met up with mel at j8.. then we went on with our journey to ecp..
the train towards jurong east came..gab told us to take it.. so we did..
when we got into the train.. i saw the route of MRTs on the wall..
then.. aye.. we are going to the wrong direction!! oh no..
lj:aye.. we going wrong direction leh..
mel:really ar??
lj:we need to change train at city hall..change to the green one..then take to eunos.. if we take this train then have to take one big round..
gab:since u know then y u don wan say eariler??
lj: ...
mel to gab:see la.. who call u take this train..
gab: cause is jurong east..
lj:jurong east is the east part of jurong.. not the east part of singapore..
MRT speaker thingy:KHATIB(however u spell it..)
lj:alight here lor..then take the train opposite..
so we alighted and took the train and..we were like playing in the train..
swinging round the pole..
fast forward..
ahh.. finally reach ecp..
walked to the skating rink.. then started puting on our skates.. gab rented skates frm skatesport cause he don have his own skates..
tought kirb how to do parallel turn.. he mastered it quited fast..
i was practising my crossover.. mel was doing spin stop(270 degrees..suppose to be 180 degrees)
while we were resting...
geraint: look at those three idoits?morons
lj & mel(looking infront): huh? where got?
geraint:neh.. that one..
lj & mel: hahahahahaha..
don noe how to explain..to u wat they are doing..
after that we went urban.. skated towards the east side.. then bout 20mins(?) later.. gettin kinda boring.. so i sugested then we skate towards the west side.. so we turn back..
then lalala.. skated back..
went to the west side.. eee.. the road so rough.. then we skate back to the rink..
ahh.. the best place to skate..wats more theres no much ppl today..
i look towards skatesports.. saw jasmine aka jas aka lay..shes my skating coach..
continued skating..
and i think i mastered crossovers..yay..zz
we saw this man skating.. wha so pro..can do backwards crossovers,etc.
someone:look at that guy..
geraint:look at that robot..
times up for gab skates..he have to return them.. so.. we took off our skates..
then walk round.. and we saw..then K lounge and a lan game sign..
so we went and took a look..
the place was so dark.. not much lightings..looks evil..eeekk
ppl were smoking inside..we got scared.. then left the place..
fast forward
took MRT to kovan to play bowling..
geraint scored 63
i scored 98
mel scored 41
yay.. i'm the highest..
after that went arcade to play datona
don noe how the rest got home..
mum came to fetch me (:
went home took a bath..
while bathing i recalled how we kept falling down.. hah..
ps. i got blisters on my feet and my head is burning..hurting too..ooww.
mayb the weather was so hot and i still went skating..boo hoo.. this is wat i get when i don rest when i'm sick..

Peace Out Home Dawg!
7:58 PM

Sunday, May 27, 2007

pretty happy today..
cause i shot my personal best..woo~~hoo~~
total 372 avg 9.3
when i got to the range(yishun safra)
coach say that we are late..zz..
lucky i'm not shooting at that time.. i'm shooting in the next detail...
june,sharine,shermaine put down their bags and went looking for coach for a pistol
cause we didn't bring any weaponds so we have toborrow frm other schs..
coach handed sharine a box with a pistol inside..
she opened a box..
pheww.. smells like pepper.. pui~
after wat seems like eons finally my turn to collect my target cards have to paid 10 bucks..
suited up..walk to my lane and then shoot..
slightly more than 1hr later i fin shooting..
walk back to my seat and took off my suit..
i saw suan zee and the rest suiting up..so since i got nth to do..i went to help them..
eva wore a oversized pants.. she had to fold the bottoms up..which made her legs look like trumpet..lol
some girls: aye aye.. go see.. the result out alr..
when i heard that i rush to see my score..
i saw 3
then 7
then 2
yay.. i got 372..zz..
went back to bishan with joleen..where i met up with my mum..
than another long ride back home cause my mum had to fetch my aunt home..
ps. mehh learned crossovers alr.. dam..

Peace Out Home Dawg!
10:11 PM

Saturday, May 26, 2007

today's another boring day of my life..
woke up at 6:45am today cause i tot that it was a sch day.. zz.. wth
when i was about to go and change in the toilet..my sis came out of her room to pee
kungne(sis):y u wake up so early?
lj(still sleepy):what early.. going to be late alr la..
kungne: u siao ar.. to day saturday go wat school??
lj:oooohhh ya!! ok good night..
stupid me..
after that i woke up round 1pm..
mum wasn't at home.. so i cooked spagetti..the sauce look horrid..
so to pls myself.. i garished it with a tomato.. i cut it into a lily-like thing..
watched the price of peace
nice show to watch..about time during the jap occupation..
showing us how the jap torture the anti-jap team..
and i will not go into details..
round 7.. went out for dinner at a seafood restuarant..
ate raw hamm, gong gong(type of shelly thing), drunken prawns,
and i can't remember wat else..
someone help me.. i'm dieing of boredom..
theres a SSA shoot tml at yishun sarfra and i'm shooting in the name of wee hui xin(renee)
and intensive training will start next week.. 4 times a week..zz

Peace Out Home Dawg!
9:35 PM

Thursday, May 24, 2007

blogging at vickie's hse now..
joey,june,eve and i went to her hse after skool..
they are like copying there history homework now..last minute work..
today we played volley ball during PE class..
learned how to do dig..
mr lai called daniel out to play with him in front of class so he could show us how to do a proper dig..
mr lai threw the ball to daniel
daniel dig the ball to mr lai
Mr lai:that was a gd dig
mr lai dig back to daniel.. the ball flew towards the flag pole instead towards daniel
Mr lai: ok.. that was a bad dig
fiona: eee!!! u got a bad DICK!!
ok fine wateva..
after recess was EL.. mr koh lesson..
mr koh wore so formally today cause there's a parent meeting session today and he had to do the presentation.. so ya.. must look smart in front of all the parents..
after we greeting him.. he.. drew a picture of a melion(pretty ugly) and he was making fun of honseng who apparently vomitted some days ago..
then he show us the cut off point of certain polys and JCs
when i saw SAJC's cut off point i was like.. WTH!!.. 8 points!! i'm like how am i even suppose to get in to that sch.. my mum wanted me to go there.. but i prefered to go to a poly..
the cut off point for RJC is like 2-4 points.. wth..
after that was HE.. i forgot to bring my sewing kit.. everyone agreed not to remind mrs wong that we are suppose to do sewing today..
when she came in to the food lab she told us to take our stools and go over to another food lab where the rest of the class is in..
mrs tham told us that we are going make small little pancakes
i forgot what they called it..XD
the teachers were telling us the recipe but apparently i didn't bother to listen then i started poking melissa.. :D
then she started to punch my hand..
mrs wong: melissa! wat r u doing?? u come and sit over here now..
mel: what!! aye..she.. started it first lor..
lj(acting stupid): huh?? wat i do??
mrs wong(believed me): i didn't see her doing anything to u.. u come and sit here now..
lol.. sry.. mel :)
after that mrs tham showed us some stupid movie that a guy and slash a bee with a toothpick..
wat eva..
this post kinda wordy..
mayb i'm toking too much..
i should stop here.. bye..

Peace Out Home Dawg!
5:07 PM

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

eating wan ton mee now..
there was a tok on the sec 2 camp today..
i couldn't go to the camp.. sad.. darn shooting competition
mel and i were kicking each other today..
i was the victim )':
she wanted me to go skating with her on sat..
she said that she dad can fetch me to east coast provided that i take bus and MRT to novena
got back repot book today..
wanna noe my results?
kinda sucky..
EL- C5
Geog-C6(can't expect much.. didn't intend to pass)
HE-C5(suprisingly i passed..yay?)
the total is 507.4/800
percentage 63.4
(my mum said she would get my smt budget 200 bucks.. (: )
comment: LJ is a girl with pleasant disposition. she is well behaved :) and will carry out projects assigned to her dilligently XD
mrs tham chopped her hair..kinda short.. when she stepped into the class room the guys were like shouting "MRS THAM!! SO HANDSOME!!" i was like laughing
after that was geog..
greyy: miss Q when r u leaving??
valerie Q: this friday..
mel: woo.. i'm gonna cry..
LJ:i'm gonna cry if the next teacher's worst..
after that stayed back a lil while to wait for char and greyy to fin copying the geog workbook..
thats all for today..
ps. mel fell while doing a stride 3..

Peace Out Home Dawg!
5:12 PM

Monday, May 21, 2007
hi to all


my first post here..
nth much to say..
so.. i'll just talk about some teachers and friends.. XD

mr koh(english)- funny 'little' guy.. making lessons interesting.. ms low should learn from him..
mr marikan(history)- his lesson can put u to sleep.. zz.. but his kinda cute.. haha
mr lai(pe)- eww.. he have lots of balls.. haha..
mr lau(art)- er.. don noe wat to say?? just an average teacher..
ms nah(chinese)- hah! saw here skating at east coast park with miss tham.. she makes us understand better to explain to us in english..
mrs low(maths)- hmm.. pregnant.. can control the class much better than mr siao ops i meant mr xiao.. hehe..
ms low(science)- omg.. old splinster.. ok i'm not trying to be bad here.. i just pity her ruler(s)..
ms kiew(geography)- always toking to herself.. sholud learn how to blast her voice..
mrs wong(home econs)- right.. no coment..
mrs tham(form teacher)- shes ok.. doing her best to help us..

thats enough bout teachers
now frends..

su fang aka sf - lol.. this girl.. always pinching me.. *ouch*.. i'm her living toy..
june-haha.. love toking to u..
renee aka skye- brainy ok?
vickie- strong woman.. very funny..lol..
kwan ling- the first frend i met in pri sch??
geraint aka boon??- lol.. spikey hair.. can burst a balloon.. lol.. XD
hong wei- my good brother..
melissa aka mehh- another smart freak? lol.. love to see her fall..
charolette aka chocolate aka maria- don so fierce and sick..
gracia aka greyy- hmm.. funny?? yea.. shes funny..
alicia aka piggy- funny!!!
joyce- a cute little girl..
sandy aka sotong- blurr..huge fan of dean
shermaine aka sotong also- blurr.. haha huge fan of lee jun ki(however u spell it)
darren(childhood frend)- a huge soccer fan...
yi hui(childhood frend)- smart girl..currently in RGS.. *wow*
evin(cousin)- a gamer(computer,PS2,PSP)

hmm.. if i left anyone out..i'm sry.. but i still love ya...

Peace Out Home Dawg!
7:37 PM


2009 Resolution!
Get into college
Do well in academics(3 As for olvls?)
L1R5 15. Be multi-linguistic
Be consistent in my shooting scores
Hit 380
Diving Course.. Anyone interested?
Get back to piano
Part-time job after Olvls
Tab "Angel","Superhuman","YTS" by ear.
Macbook pro!
Get tanner
Classical guitar
Electric guitar
New acoustic guitar
Play the guitar even better
Learn to play the Saxophone
Get a driving license
Get a diving license
A bigger room
That headphone
Have more dicipline
[bold, underline, strike, italicize]



2 Peace
Chin teck
Huai ying
Jun hao
Kwan ling
Kar pak
Shooting club
Social Studies Buddy
Suan zee
Wei ying
Xia ping
Xue wen


May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009


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